
Since autumn 2015, our laboratory cooperates with Hoya Szemüveglencse Gyártó Magyarország Ltd. within the topics of simulation analysis and „Industry 4.0”. The primary goal of the project is to model different segments of the company’s plant in Mátészalka, according to different capacity planning and process improvement criteria. Within the developments and workshops of the cooperation, the engineers of Hoya picked up the basics of simulation modelling, enabling them to use this technology in the everyday practice.

High-resolution spherical panorama pictures prepared by the eLearning Department of MTA SZTAKI for MIDMAR tourist organisation are available on Google Maps as well from now on.

The pictures has been available so far on Website of MIDMAR, in GUIDE@HAND Miskolc smart phone application and on VR glasses in Miskolc Cafe!

Our laboratory pays special attention to provide an opportunity and a up-to-date environment for the representatives of the next generation so that they can gain industrial-like experience along their theoretical education. Thanks to our co-operation with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, project tasks, scientific student research and theses are made with the supervision of our lab’s staff on our research infrastructure, which is constantly being developed together with the students.

I4.0 National Technological Platform: The Presidium has been set up in full, the Work Groups have been offiicially formed.

It has been a tradition for the past decades that numerous members of our staff have been contributing successfully in various topics to the management and work committees of the most relevant international scientific organisations. Now two of our researchers have been awarded by a significant forum.

ERCIM offers fellowships for PhD holders from all over the world. The next round is open!

Deadline for applications: 30 September 2016.
Topics cover most disciplines in Computer Science, Information Technology, and Applied Mathematics.
Fellowships are of 12-month duration spent in one ERCIM member institute.
Detailed description of the programme and the application form is  here .

Applicants must:

The Industry 4.0 National Technology Platform has been recently established under the leadership of the Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and with the participation of research institutions, education institutions and companies having premises in Hungary.

The most prestigious state award in the field of sciences was handed over by János Áde r, President of Hungary in the presence of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on 15 March 2016, in the Cupola Hall of the Parliament Building.

Started in January 2016, the  EXCELL project ( Actions for Excellence in Smart Cyber-Physical Systems applications through exploitation of Big Data in the context of Production Control and Logistics ) foresees the collaboration of researchers from four European countries (Hungary, Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium) in the field of Cyber-Physical Systems and Big Data applications serving production and logistics networks.

The new, significantly improved version of Occopus has been released.

Occopus can be used by application developers and application controllers to manage virtual infrastructures at deployment time and at runtime as well as to create and provide complex virtual infrastructures to be built by one click even by novice cloud users.

It has the following  new features :

Invited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade , the Laboratory on Engineering and Management Intelligence of MTA SZTAKI participated as an exhibitor at Science Agora , Tokyo, Japan.

The General Assembly of acatech (Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften, National Academy of Science and Engineering) elected Prof. László Monostori , Director of SZTAKI to member of the Academy.

SZTAKI is happy to announce the first official release of Occopus  which is a framework that provides automatic features for configuring and orchestrating distributed applications (so called virtual infrastructures) on single or multi cloud systems.

Occopus can be used by application developers and application controllers to manage virtual infrastructures at deployment time and at runtime as well as to create and provide complex virtual infrastructures to be built by one click even by novice cloud users.

The International Association for Pattern Recognition 's current newsletter (Volume 37, Number 3, July 2015.) contains an interview with Tamás Szirányi , Head of Distributed Events Analysis Research Laboratory about his IAPR fellowship , research results and scientific role in the field of vide

The CloudBroker platform, as the output of the SCI-BUS project has been ranked as no.

On-site deployment of the smart energy-positive street lighting system called E+grid has been completed at the MTA campus at Csillebérc, Budapest. This state-of-the-art lighting system was developed with support of the Hungarian Government by a consortium led by General Electric Hungary , with the participation of MTA SZTAKI , MTA MFA and BME .

The Institute, with its „Centre of Excellence in Production Informatics and Control (EPIC)” application submitted with two faculties of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), i.e., Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering ; with three outstanding institutes of the Fraunhofer Society (FhG) in the field of production (IPA-Stuttgar

From January 2015, László Monostori has been appointed to director of MTA SZTAKI by László Lovász, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

We have the pleasure to congratulate him on his new appointment and wishing him a successful mission.

The Engineering and Management Intelligence Research Laboratory of MTA SZTAKI and the SZTAKI- Fraunhofer Project Centrum for Production Management and Informatics developed a production planning system for the motor assembly lines of Audi Hungaria Motor Ltd. for a time horizon of 26-52 weeks.

Robotic remote laser welding (RLW) has attracted interest specifically in the automotive industry due to its potential benefits in terms of processing speed, process flexibility and energy efficiency.

Contributing to the EU-funded RLW Navigator project, researchers of the Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence developed a software toolbox that enables the detailed configuration, optimization, simulation and automated off-line programming of RLW workcells.