
In October, ERCIM News focuses on Digital Humanities, with László Kovács (head of the Department of Distributed Systems, MTA SZTAKI) being one of the editors of the special theme issue.
The Lidar data processing solution developed in the Machine Perception Research Laboratory (MPLab) was invited by Velodyne Europe executive director Erich Smidt for a live demonstration in the exhibition area of the market leading sensor manufacturing company at the Frankfurt Motor Show (
Krisztina Konrád, Ph.D. candidate - supervised by Dr. Zsolt János Viharos, member of the Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence of the Institute for Computer Science and Control of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences - won the “National Higher Education Excellence Fellowship – for Ph.D. students and candidates”.
Tamás Péni and Tamás Luspay, two members of Systems and Control Lab, and András Kovács, member of Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence receive the János Bolyai Research Fellowship between 2017-2020.
Experience shows that a major part of the cost of system identification is associated with performing experiments on the plant in question. For dynamical systems, it has been shown that a careful design of the experiment can lead to significant cost reduction. These observations have prompted renewed interest in adaptive input design. A major advance in this area, providing a theoretical justification for a standard adaptive method, was published recently in the IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control by László Gerencsér and Håkan Hjalmarsson.
József Attila, a 20. századi magyar- és világirodalom kimagasló alakja Budapest IX. kerületében született 1905 áprilisában. 14 éves koráig Ferencváros volt az otthona. 2015-ben intézetünk eLearning Osztálya és a Ferencvárosi Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény egy GPS alapú, interaktív okostelefonos sétát készített „József Attilával a Ferencvárosban” néven. A 2017-es ferencvárosi költészet napi ünnepre a séta fejlesztői a kerületi diákok számára különleges szabadtéri tájékozódási vetélkedőt készítettek elő és szerveztek meg.

The paper entitled 'Parameter varying flutter suppression control for the BAH jet transport wing" written by B. Patartics, T. Luspay, T. Péni, B. Takarics , B. Vanek  and T. Kier  was shortlisted for the Best Interactive Paper Prize at the IFAC World Congress in Toulouse  (France).

The presenters in the Interactive Section were encouraged to emphasize their scientific contributions in vivo, i.e., by means of videos, simulations, demonstrations in  addition to usual slide-show. 

A recent article from the Machine Perception Research Laboratory landed on the cover page of the July 2017 issue of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.
Based on its previous Hungarian Patent submission, MTA SZTAKI has submitted an international (PCT) patent for its fluorescent-holographic microscope. The invention combines fluorescent microscopy with digital holographic microscopy technology.
The 15th Night of Museums is organised on the 24th June this year which has become the most popular domestic event series for a long while. Across the country, more than 2000 events at some 380 locations vie for our attention. Its highlighted topic is value preservation and its capital is Debrecen this year. The eLearning Department of our institute supports the organisers and visitors by providing a smart phone application again this year.
A successful R&D project that was launched in 2015 is to be completed in June 2017 by the project consortium. The project was funded by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Fund and it was coordinated by the Institute for Computer Science and Control (MTA SZTAKI). The technical objectives of the project were to define and implement a set of automated control functions for commercial vehicles.

The international scientific organisation: „International Measurement Confederation” (IMEKO) – which was established in Budapest in 1958, having it’s headquarter since than continuously in Hungary – holds the yearly workshop on Technical Diagnostics in Budapest.

The event organized by the Antall József Knowledge Centre focused on accessibility and the innovative solutions that support it. In the workshop, held on May 3 in Pécs, several applications that improve life for people with disabilities were demonstrated. László Kovács, head of the Department of Distributed Systems gave a presentation on Tolmácskesztyű (InterpreterGlove) and Symbio-TIC projects.

"Go Digital!" conference, organised by the National University of Public Service, dealt with the current questions of digitalization regarding public collections, and focused on the challenges that museums, libraries and archives are facing in the field of knowlegde and information preservation. In the event held on May 2, László Kovács, head of the Department of Distributed Systems gave a presentation on long-term digital preservation.

The molecular diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases, which are highly endemic in Hungary, tumour and inflammatory diseases, and the development of essential manufacturing and logistics systems for industrial production will be the core focus areas of the two new domestic centres of excellence which were among the 10 winners in the “Teaming” research excellence programme, the most prestigious Widening actionl of the Horizon 2020 framework programme.
The March event of the Budapest Open Knowledge Meetup series took place on March 23, titled “See through the walls!”
Venue: National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Room 451, Kéthly Anna tér 1., Budapest, Hungary. The event will be open to the press and live-streamed on the NRDI Office website.
The COURAGE project had a successful project review on 28 March in Brussels. The project will create a comprehensive online database (digital registry) of existing but scattered collections on the histories and forms of cultural opposition in the former socialist countries and thereby make them more accessible.
In collaboration with Hitachi’s Manufacturing Technology Research Center (Japan) and Fraunhofer IPA (Germany), researchers of the Engineering and Management Intelligence Laboratory took part in the development of a secure resource sharing technology for geographically dispersed production facilities.

In November  2016, as a result of a cooperation between the Computational Optical Sensing and Processing Laboratory and the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, a vision based speed measurement sensor chip has been sent to fabrication, as we reported it back then. In early March, Austria MicroSystems sent us the 44 pin sensor chips, which were produced using a 0,35 um CMOS technology. In our laboratory, we designed an FPGA based measurement environment, which performs the control and image capture aspects of the system.