Scientific Relations
Members of the institute played an active role in the leadership as well as in the daily activities (board meetings, organising workshops and conferences) of the most significant international societies relevant to their research domain (including IEEE, CIRP, IFAC, IMEKO, IAPR). The institute provides home for the Hungarian office of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which takes part in the activity of the working groups, supports the dissemination of standards in Hungary and also, directly contributes to web developments.
In cooperation with the German-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry as well as with several Fraunhofer partner institutes an international workshop was organised for the representatives of the Hungarian industry about the challenges and opportunities offered by Industrie 4.0. International relations The institute’s successful participation in the EU research programmes continued in 2015: within the 7th Framework Program the institute participated in 44 grant winning projects, in 8 cases it had even the role of the consortium leader. In the Horizon 2020 program, up to now 9 winning projects may be reported with consortium leadership in 2 of them.
The institute has a strong project background in research and development for commercial aviation and vehicle industry. With respect to the research in avionics, the relationships with the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics at the University of Minnesota, the US Office of Naval Research (ONR), the Laboratoire de l’Intégration du Matériau au Système at the University of Bordeaux, as well as the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and the European Space Agency (ESA) should be mentioned. The collaboration with the Manufacturing Technology Research Center, Hitachi Ltd. dating back to many years, was pursued this year too, producing joint publications, filing of 2 international patent applications and the launch of a Hitachi-Fraunhofer-SZTAKI joint research project.