Department of Distributed Systems
Head of department
Project manager
Contact info
Facing today’s challenges we consider it essential to participate in the research and development aimed at digital library systems and e-Science services both in technological and methodological terms, likewise our contribution to the field of crisis management, that requires special expertise and network-technology know-how.
Main research fields
- Semantic Web and Linked Open Data (architectures, platforms, methods and tools),
- middleware software (SOA, Grid, cloud and P2P-based systems),
- web services, dynamic composition of web services,
- cloud-based systems; federation; SLA and scalability research,
- paradigmatic and architectural questions of collaborative services,
- groupware applications,
- management of context awareness
- pervasive systems; architecture and service adaptation research,
- mobile P2P systems, emergent interoperability research,
- digital archive services and long-term digital preservation,
- project management- and workflow-systems; whiteboards,
- architectural, functional and user-interface-related questions of discussion forums, voting, rating and recommendation systems
Main achievement
In the abovementioned fields, SZTAKI DSD develops prototype systems, applications, network services and complex solutions based on new exploratory research results. Research and development is performed mostly in international, EU-supported projects, but the Department also provides solutions through industrial assignments to complex problems that present technical and scientific challenges.
Among our industrial R&D assignments, highlighted is the exploratory and applied research project for RICOH (Japan), where a new paradigm of computer supported collaborative work (CSCW) was developed via the integration of electronic mail management, document authoring (CMS), discussions and agile tasking with strong context-awareness support.
For EADS Space Transportation (France) a distributed system-monitoring technology was developed and for Magyar Telekom (Hungary) a discussion-supporting (forum) system was created.
SZTAKI DSD specializes in developing and running open public networked services: online dictionaries, plagiarism-search service, search tool for cultural assets, online voting and several services related to the field of e-Science, as to make the knowledge created/acquired and the R&D activity carried out in national and international projects usable and adaptable for the whole community. Outstanding of the offered services are Sztaki Dictionary, the most visited online dictionary service in Hungary and KOPI, the unique plagiarism-search tool.
Products / Services
- Sztaki Dictionary
- KOPI Plagiarism Search Portal
- radio.sztaki.hu (supporting community radio collaboration)
- online voting system
- NDA@sztaki (search in cultural heritage items as part of the National Digital Data Archive (NDDA) project)
- SOAP MTP for Jade and Light Agent Web Service Integration Toolkit
- Wikipedia Text Dump (downloadable databases)