Scientific News

The Rudolf Kálmán Prize, founded by HUN-REN SZTAKI, was awarded to Prof. Dr. Ir. Paul Van den Hof during the symposium "Four decades of data-driven modeling in systems and control – achievements and prospects", held at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), where he gave the valedictory lecture. Prof. Dr. József Bokor, Director of Research at HUN-REN SZTAKI, and Roland Tóth, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow at the institute’s Systems and Control Lab, also gave presentations at the symposium.
Researchers of HUN-REN SZTAKI's Engineering and Management Intelligence laboratory participated in an intensive workshop in Vienna, where researchers from Fraunhofer Austria presented a recent result: they measured the variable current consumption of a manufacturing cell using PLC data.
A kétnapos, 2024. április 11. és 12. között rendezett eseményen számos európai akkumulátor iparban dolgozó cég és projekt kapott lehetőséget a bemutatkozásra, illetve két panelbeszélgetésen vitatták meg a résztvevők az európai akkumulátorgyártás és -ipar kihívásait és stratégiai céljait.
In April 2024, the 33rd Networkshop Conference took place in Eger at the Eszterházy Károly Catholic University. One of the distinguished sponsors of the event was HUN-REN SZTAKI. Several departments and research laboratories of HUN-REN SZTAKI were represented at the conference - the Department of Network Security and Internet Technologies, the Department of Distributed Systems, and the Parallel and Distributed Systems Research Laboratory. They delivered presentations and workshops on various topics.
SLICES-SC consortium members gathered with Hungarian stakeholders in Budapest to discuss the working plan for the last period of the EU H2020 project. HUN-REN SZTAKI hosted partners from 10 European countries, working towards reinforcing the international research infrastructure community.
The final accomplishments of the 42-month-long DIGITbrain project were presented during the EC review in Brussels. HUN-REN SZTAKI was among the main contributors who made this project a success that enabled Manufacturing-as-a-Service for several European SMEs.
Employees from the Indian Manipal University (Manipal Academy of Higher Education), particularly from the Manipal Institute of Technology, Manjunath K N, and Manuel Manuel, a compliance expert from the Scania Group, visited HUN-REN SZTAKI to familiarize themselves with the activities and structure of the Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory (MILAB).
In the two broadcasts presented in November, the head and deputy head of the Institute's Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence, József Váncza and Gábor Erdős, were interviewed, as well as two guest speakers, Paul Shore and Peter De Wolf.
On 11 December 2023, József Váncza, Head of the Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence at HUN-REN SZTAKI, gave an invited online presentation at the "AI for Good" lecture series sponsored by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), in a session on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing. The event was followed by a worldwide audience and opened by UN Secretary-General António Guterres.
A kutatók ún. rendszer identifikációt végeztek a DJI M600 multikopter MATLAB szimulációs modelljének előállításához. A multikoptert magát az „Innovatív járműipari tesztelési és vizsgálati kompetenciák fejlesztése a nyugat-magyarországi régióban a zalaegerszegi Járműipari Tesztpálya infrastruktúrájára támaszkodva, GINOP-2.3.4-15-2020-00009” c. projekt biztosította.
The researchers of HUN-REN SZTAKI attended the launch meeting of the BATTwin project in Milan from 17 to 19 January. The host was the university Politecnico di Milano. The project is supported by CINEA.
With a result of 100%, Judit Mesterné Monostori, member of the Research Laboratory on Engineering and Management Intelligence (EMI) at SZTAKI, defended her PhD dissertation on December 8, 2023.
The German-Hungarian EUREKA project titled EARAS (Energy-aware robotic assembly systems) held its kick-off meeting in Budapest.
József Váncza, Head of HUN-REN SZTAKI's Engineering and Management Intelligence Research Laboratory, gave an invited plenary presentation at the 20th International Manufacturing Conference in China, IMCC 2023.
Researchers of HUN-REN SZTAKI’s Computational Optical Sensing and Processing Laboratory, namely Fehér Flóra, Róka Zita, Ákos Zarándy, and Péter Földesy, had presented a neonatal behavioral monitoring system jointly with the Hungarian leader incubator manufacturer, Medicor Elektronika Kft. in MEDICA, Düsseldorf.
At the central event of the European Robotics Week (ERW), video messages were played by institutes from the participating countries. In the videos, the coordinators from each country explained why they think ERW is important and what their country's highlights are.
The conference titled Open Science, Open Data in Hungary – The First Two Years of HUN-REN ARP took place on 16 November 2023, and was hosted by the HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control (HUN-REN SZTAKI). During this event, attendees had the opportunity to explore presentations covering the historical background, current status, and future prospects of the HUN-REN Data Repository Platform (HUN-REN ARP).
Elisabeth Angyalka Ilie-Zudor, Head of the Intelligent Information Management group, and Director’a Consultant for EU projects at HUN-REN SZTAKI, will give a presentation titled "Lump sum budget planning at the proposal writing stage and implementation experiences".
In the framework of their career orientation day, fourth grade students of the Lágymányosi Bárdos Lajos Bilingual Primary School visited HUN-REN SZTAKI.
On 29 September 2023, the Institute participated in the event with ten programmes, which occupied several floors of two buildings. More than 300 visitors took part in the HUN-REN STUKI's demonstrations, which ranged from flying drones to an occasional hardware history exhibition, learning about industrial robots and trying out ageing clocks.