Distributed Knowledge Graphs (DKG) EU project closing – results available
The main aim of the DKG (Distributed Knowledge Graphs) project, launched in September 2020, was to have a comprehensive overview of knowledge graph technologies and research, and to enhance development in this field.
Participating in the project, HUN-REN SZTAKI Department of Distributed Systems (DSD) - based on its previous research on semantic web and linked data - was dealing with distributed knowledge graph application technologies and creating knowledge graph based web services.
The project, through dedicated working groups, focused on creating, applying, maintaining knowledge graphs and on the related, system-level technologies.
The community highly appreciated the lecture-series, streamed on the DKG project YouTube channel, where outstanding researchers and veterans of the topic delivered talks, looking back on the past decade and looking ahead to the emerging new trends.
The project collected the known teaching practices and proposed various thematics to different level courses. A research agenda was created that organizes the active topics related to managing distributed knowledge graphs.
András Micsik, researcher of HUN-REN SZTAKI DSD participated in the FedQuery2024 workshop, that focused on improving distributed query technologies in knowledge graphs. DSD’s dedicated topic was how to support the selection of the appropriate graphs, how to review a graph structure with the help of visualizations, and how to decide what contact points may exist among the graphs.
During the project several workshops were dealing with the security and privacy issues of knowledge graphs, and a new metadata schema was proposed to describe knowledge graphs.
The closing meeting of the DKG project was held last autumn in the University of Vienna. Katariina Kari gave an interesting presentation on corporate knowledge graphs with many examples from IKEA. Finally, the project outlined various plans for a new grant cooperation, focusing on the special needs of selected areas (eg. healthcare, energy sector).