
The SZTAKI (Institute for Computer Sciences and Control) and the Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Wigner FK) offer thousands of processors and terabytes of the computing power of their own cloud computing capacity integrated with MTA Cloud (the Hungarian Research Cloud) due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For the first time (but certainly not the last time), EPIC InnoLabs Nonprofit Kft. and the German-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce & Industry organized a joint interactive World Café event on March 3, 2020, at the headquarters of SZTAKI.
The Department of Distributed Systems (DSD) of SZTAKI that has been playing a pioneering role in several fields, like the introduction and adoption of World Wide Web (WWW) technologies in Hungary, was established 25 years ago, in 1994. On this occasion, we present some outstanding projects from the past.
The winner consortium of the H2020 ICT-25 lead by Fraunhofer held the EU XR Forum at Brussels on 12.12.2019. During the Forum, our colleague Peter Kovacs was involved in the creation of the European Commission’s research and development roadmap regarding the virtual and augmented reality technologies.

On the 11th of December, in Budapest, the second review of the H2020 EPIC project successfully took place. This comes after 3 years of close collaboration between partners from Fraunhofer Austria; Fraunhofer Germany; BME and SZTAKI. “All involved participants, the European Commission official, the external experts and consortium members have shown an incredible positiveness and enthusiasm and I am so proud of everyone”, said Dr. Elisabeth Zudor, the project coordinator.

The researchers of SZTAKI - Ferenc Béres and András Benczúr, and ELTE doctoral student István Seres - examined Lightning Network, the most popular payment channel network designed to solve Bitcoin problems - slowness and scalability. Lightning Network is not anonymous enough and may not work at all.
The Hungarian Science Academy (hereinafter: MTA) decided that based on the results of a performance audit conducted by MTA, SZTAKI (Institute for Computer Science and Control) has complied with the given requirements.
We held the 4th transnational meeting on production virtualization for higher education in SZTAKI. In partnership with the Tallinn University of Technology, Politecnico di Milano, Chalmers University of Technology and The National Research Council Italy we developing a new digital toolkit which will help to bring back to the engineering students the results of research activities in the field of digital manufacturing. This new digital toolkit will be evolved and developed within the Virtual Learning Factory Toolkit Erasmus+ project.

The most essential augmented and virtual reality conference and expo the 4th annual AWE EU was invited our colleague Peter Kovacs to give a speech on open-source virtual reality software library called ApertusVR. Speakers were selected from the World’s leading IT companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon so we were proud to introduce SZTAKI’s innovation ApertusVR in that great line-up.

Dr. László Palkovics, Minister for Innovation and Technology has announced at the Infotér (Info Space) Conference that in 2020 the Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence will be established under the leadership of SZTAKI. The Centre will be formed by the Hungarian AI Coalition created in the frame of the Digital Welfare Programme (DJP). SZTAKI will be its leader, the members come from the research institutes and institutions of higher education.

COURAGE project, completed with the international cooperation of 12 participants, received a Special Mention at the Heritage in Motion competition. The Award Ceremony held in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on 20th September celebrated the best multimedia projects and achievements that aim the preservation of Europe's cultural heritage.

Those who were interested could attend the event „Robots at fingertips” in Győr at SZTAKI’s Industry 4.0 Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence.

The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office granted the Hungarian patent describing the silicon based Microantennas and the plasmatransistors which can be fabricated in economical mass production. The specialty of these antenna geometries and circuits are that their sensitivity is extremely high, moreover their bandwidth is tunable. The inventor, Dr Péter Földesy, a research advisor at SZTAKI has defended his academic doctoral thesis in this topic last year.

Researchers of SZTAKI, Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungary, will lead the international project FLiPASED (FLight Phase Adaptive Aero-Servo-Elastic aircraft Design) which intends to revolutionize aircraft wings through developing and testing the so called active-controlled wings.
The augmented and virtual reality technologies are already well known in the game and entertainment industry. Nevertheless, the potential of these technologies could offer a lot to other industrial segments like production engineering. Therefore, augmented and virtual reality technologies more often used for increasing the profitability. However, the possibilities of the integration into any industrial software system just currently forming - SZTAKI is one of the pioneer.
His Excellency, Mr. Volkmar Wenzel, Ambassador of Germany in Budapest and Mrs. Krisztina Hodosiné Márton, Counsellor for Science, Environment and Agriculture at the Embassy of Germany in Budapest paid a visit to the Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI) on July 16, 2019.
On the 23rd of June, 2019, dr. Peter Inzelt, former director of the Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI), honorary Professor of the ELTE University deceased in his 75th year.
A mobile phone contains numerous sensors, which can perform tricky measurements. The results of these measurements can be used in exciting applications either in the real or in the virtual world. Important target field of these apps is the health monitoring, fitness, and the corresponding physiological measurements. In this application area, SZTAKI has developed a non-contact pulse monitoring system that can measure the heart rate of a human or an animal with a single camera.
Related to our most successful open-source development called ApertusVR, Neil Trevett, the President of Khronos Group, invited SZTAKI to join the world’s largest IT industrial standardization consortium. Our Shared Virtual Reality Group will be involved in the OpenXR workgroup to create the very first virtual reality industrial standard with the World’s leading IT companies like Google, NVidia, Microsoft, Intel and Samsung.
The next generation of robots could be entering the workplace alongside humans, but this first needs some collaborative principles to be established. SYMBIO-TIC has developed a system for such a safe, dynamic, intuitive and cost-effective working environment.