Dobór wejśa i wyjśa sieci neuronowych modelujcych procesy skrawania. (Selection of input and output variables of ANN-based modelling of cutting processes.)
In: ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Volume 2B: Advanced Manufacturing. IMECE 2013 American Soicety of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), San Diego, pp. 1-8.
MSIRP: Methodology for the Economic Viability of Semantic Interoperability Resolution Projects
In: The 32nd CIRP international seminar on manufacturing Systems. New supporting tools for designing products and production systems. Proceedings. Leuven, 1999..
Multipurpose modelling and optimisation of production processes and process chains by combining machine learning and search techniques
In: SIMULTECH 2014 Doctoral Consortium. 4th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, 2014.08.28-2014.08.30, Bécs.
Novel capacity planning methods for flexible and reconfigurable assembly systems
Application capabilities of a general, ANN based cutting model in different phases of manufacturing through automatic determination of its input-output configuration