Roland Tóth, Ph.D.
Roland Tóth is a Senior Research Fellow at the Systems and Control Laboratory in the HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI) in Budapest, Hungary and he is also an Full Professor in the Control Systems Group of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).
His main research interests are in identification and control of Linear Parameter-Varying (LPV) and nonlinear systems, developing machine learning methods with performance and stability guarantees for modelling and control, model predictive control and behavioral system theory.
On the application side, his research focuses on advancing reliability and performance of precision mechatronics and autonomous robots/vehicles with LPV and learning-based motion control. He is an author of one book and co-author of five edited books and more than 200 papers on various aspects modelling, control and machine learning based approaches. He is the main developer of the LPVcore Matlab Toolbox and also participated in the development of the deep-learning-based system identification toolbox DeepSI in Python. He is involved in MSc and PhD education both in Hungary and in the Netherlands. So far 10 PhD students have obtained their degrees under his supervision.
He is actively working together with hight-tech and aerospace companies such as ASML, ASMPT, and the European Space Agency (ESA). Furthermore, he has also participated in many industrial research projects, H2020 and FP7 projects. He has received the TUDelft Young Researcher Fellowship Award in 2010, the VENI award of The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research in 2011, the Starting Grant of the European Research Council in 2016 and the DCRG Fellowship of Mathworks in 2022. He is Senior Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology and he was the general chair of the 3rd IFAC Workshop on Linear Parameter-Varying Systems in 2019.
- Senior Research Fellow, Systems and Control Laboratory, HUN-REN SZTAKI
- Full Professor in the Control Systems Group of the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
- BSc in Electrical Engineering cum laude distinction, University of Pannonia, 2004
- MSc in Information Technologies, cum laude distinction, University of Pannonia, 2004
- PhD in Control Engineering, cum laude distinction, Delft University of Technology, 2008
- Dutch University Teaching Qualification (BKO teaching license), 2014
Research Areas
- modelling, system identification and control with the LPV framework
- machine learning based system identification
- learning based control with performance and safety guarantees
- motion control of mechatronic and robotic systems
- navigation and motion control of autonomous vehicles
Memberships and assignments
- Senior Editor, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology (IEEE- TCST)
- European Research Council (ERC) - Starting Grant Award Panel (PE7) member from 2018 till 2024
- Member of the IEEE-CSS technical committee on system identification and adaptive control
- Member of the IFAC technical committees: TC 1.1 – Modelling, Identification and Signal Processing and TC 2.2 – Linear Control Systems
- Head of the Dutch section of the European Research Network of System Identification (ERNSI)
- Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Educational Activity
Eindhoven University of Technology
- Machine Learning for Modelling and Control [5SC28], MSc level, lecturer
- Robust Control [5LMC0], MSc level, lecturer
- System Identification [5SMB0], MSc level, lecturer
- Instructor – Integration Project: Lab work [5SC26], MSc level, instructor
Selected projects
- 2024-30 “PATTERN,” MSCA Doctoral Networks, (co-PI, EU Horizon 2020 program)
- 2024-27 “Automated surrogate modeling of complex spacecraft dynamics for efficient analysis and system design” [PI], European Space Agency OSIP program
- 2022-26 Basic research grant by AFOSR [PI] (source: US Air Force)
- 2022-26 DFRG grant by Mathworks [PI], cooperative research and consultancy program of Mathworks.
- 2022-26 “FaRADAI: Frugal and Robust AI for Defence Advanced Intelligence” [co-PI], cooperative research program of the European Defence Fund.
- 2022-26 “Learning in Motion” [co-PI], EAISI industrial co-op project with ASM PT, Canon and Thermo Fischer.
- 2022-26 "Platform for characterization of cellular system dynamics for tissue disease staging and programming for repair (CELLSYSTEMICS)” [co-PI], co-op with the University Maastricht, funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).
- 2021-24 "Fault-Tolerant Active Vibration Isolation Platform for Adaptable Payloads " [co-PI], ESA OSIP programe.
- 2021-22 "Artificial intelligence techniques for GNC design, implementation and verification (AI4GNC)" [PI and WP leader at TU/e], in co-op with Sener Aerospecial and University of Stuttgart, ESA Tender.
- 2020-23 “IC Technology for the 2nm Node” [co-PI, WP leader at TU/e], ECSEL Research and Innovation Actions of the European Commission
- 2017-22 “Automated Linear Parameter-Varying Modeling and Control Synthesis for Nonlinear Complex Systems (APROCS)” [PI] 5 years funding by the European Research Council
- 2016-20 “Control and data-driven modeling using symbolic methods (CADUSY)” [co-PI] 4 years of funding with industrial collaboration: ASML, National Instruments, Evolved Analytics, FMTC, in co-op with TUDelft, (Embedded Systems call, STW Netherlands)
- 2015-19 “Nanometer-accurate planar actuation system (NAPAS)” [co-PI], 4 years of funding with industrial collaboration: ASML, Philips, Prodrive, Tecnotion, SKF, TNO (HTSM call, STW Netherlands)
- 2014-18 “Next Generation Mechatronics” [co-PI], ASML-TU/e Impulse program