Scientific News

From January 2015, László Monostori has been appointed to director of MTA SZTAKI by László Lovász, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

We have the pleasure to congratulate him on his new appointment and wishing him a successful mission.

The President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences welcomed the Technical Lead from the US Office of Naval Research and Deputy from Office of Defense Cooperation to discuss extending the research collaboration between Hungary and the United States of America. Charles J. Holland and Nilesh J. Christian visited László Lovász in his office at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

The Research Laboratory on Engineering & Management Intelligence as the coordinator of the project hosted the kick-off meeting of the RobustPlaNet project.

On the occasion of the 60th birthday of Professor László Monostori , an international scientific workshop was held on 11th October, 2013, at Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA). Distinguished speakers put the topic of cyber-physical production systems (CPPS) into a historical context and presented their view on challenges, prospects and evolution trends of CPPS.

Congratulation to Professor László Monostori , Deputy Director Research of the  Computer and Automation Research Institute , Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI), for his selection as member of the Engineering and Technological Sciences (ENGITECH) Scientific Committee of  Science Europe .

On December 5 and 6, 2012, a high level delegation of Hitachi’s Yokohama Research Laboratory (YRL) visited MTA SZTAKI. YRL and the Engineering and Management Intelligence (EMI) Research Laboratory of MTA SZTAKI run an extremely fruitful cooperation for the benefit of both parties.

Through mobilising the knowledge base of Hungarian research and education institutes, the innovation of automotive transport and industrial developments will be promoted through the consortium agreement signed by the Academy in MTA main building by MTA Computer and Automation Research Institute, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (TUC), the Szent István University of Gödöllő (SZIE), Robert Bosch Elektronika Ltd. in Hatvan, and Robert Bosch Ltd.

We are happy to announce that the 3rd IEEE Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications (IEEE CogInfoCom2012) will be held in Kosice, Slovakia at the premises of the Technical University of Kosice, on 2-5 December, 2012.

Last Friday night in September is dedicated again to curiosity for the sciences: Researchers’ Night – supported by the EU – is a popular pan-European event giving the opportunity to meet science and have a glimpse behind the scenes through “fun” activities. It also aims at showing the public, and mainly young people the advantages of pursuing a research career. As more and more organizations have joined this event since it started in 2005, this September nearly sixty institutes, laboratories and museums welcome visitors in Hungary.

Prof. József Bokor, Director in Science of the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI) visited the headquarters of one of the most prestigious research institutes of Japan, the National Institute of Information and Communication Technology (NICT) where he was warmly welcomed by Dr. Hiroshi Kumagai (Vice President), Dr. Yasuhiro Koyama (Director) and Mr. Masahiko Fujimoto (Executive Director).