In: Képfeldolgozók és alakfelismerok 2. konferenciája. (Second conference of the Hungarian Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.) Noszvaj, 2000..
In: Pattern recognition 1996. Proceedings of the 20th workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (ÖAGM/AAPR). Leibnitz, 1996. ( Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Computer Gesellshaft 90.).
Texture feature based interaction maps and structural filtering
In: Képfeldolgozók és alakfelismerők 2. konferenciája. (Second conference of the Hungarian Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society.) Noszvaj, 2000..
In: 2000 international CIRP design seminar on design with manufacturing: intelligent design concepts methods and algorithms. Conference proceedings. Haifa, 2000..
Recovering variable radius rolling ball blends in reverse engineering