In: KÉPAF 2011. 8th conference of the Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2011-01-25 - 2011-01-28, Szeged, Magyarország.
In: KÉPAF 2011. 8th conference of the Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2011-01-25 - 2011-01-28, Szeged, Magyarország.
Multiview reconstruction using refined planar mapping of implicit surfaces
In: 2000 international CIRP design seminar on design with manufacturing: intelligent design concepts methods and algorithms. Conference proceedings. Haifa, 2000..
Recovering variable radius rolling ball blends in reverse engineering
In: Vision with Non-traditional Sensors. 26th Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition. (ÖAGM/AAPR). Graz, 2002. (Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, Band 160).
Using periodic texture as a tool for wide-baseline stereo