Robust Modelling, Analysis and Control in Aerospace: from LFT and H-infinity to LPV
A Rendszer és Irányításelméleti Kutatólaboratórium meghív minden érdeklődőt a 2018-as IFAC LPVS Konferencia Plenáris előadója Andrés Marcos (University of Bristol, UK) előadására, mely 2018. október 31-én, 10 órakor kerül megrendezésre Kende utcai épületünk 507-es termében.
Az előadás absztraktja: In this talk several aerospace industrial study cases are used to illustrate the validity of robust modeling, analysis and control techniques. The results showcase the fundamental importance of the linear fractional transformation (LFT) and linear parameter varying (LPV) robust modeling paradigms. These models enable the application of robust analyses methods (e.g. structured singular value and integral quadratic constraints) that complement, and serve as a bridge for, the classical linear and nonlinear simulation analyses used by industry. Furthermore, their concurrent use with robust control synthesis approaches (from structured H-infinity to LPV) allows to formalize a modeling, analysis and design framework that facilitates the inherently difficult performance versus robustness trade-off across wide system variations. As a conclusion of the talk it is shown that such a framework using LPV control design is (at least for the case of launcher systems in atmospheric phase) more methodological, capable and transparent than the more advanced and complex adaptive approaches currently in favour in academia and industry.
Short Biography:Andrés Marcos is from Córdoba, Spain. He received his Aerospace Engineering B.Sc. from St. Louis University (USA) in 1997, and his M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in 2000 and 2004 respectively from the University of Minnesota (USA) in the group of prof. Gary Balas. From 2006 to August 2013 he worked at Deimos-Space S.L.U. (Spain) as lead R&D control engineer for projects from the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Commission (EC-FP7). In October 2013, he joined the Aerospace Engineering department at the University of Bristol (UK), were he formed and leads the Technology for Aerospace Control (TASC) lab.
The aim of TASC is the study and application of robust techniques to aeronautical and space systems. TASC technical focus is on: flight control (FCS); fault detection, identification and reconfiguration (FDIR); flight control Verification and Validation (V&V); and research on linear fractional transformation (LFT) and linear parameter varying (LPV) techniques for modeling, design and analysis.
Az előadás nyelve: angol.
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