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Kende utcai épület. a K507-es terem.

Science and Technology for Robotic Rehabilitation

A Mérnöki és Üzleti Intelligencia Kutatólaboratórium szeretettel meghív minden érdeklődőt Dr. Neelesh Kumar (Principal Scientist, Biomedical Instrumentation Unit, CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments Organisation) előadására, melyet az indiai kutató 2018. április 27-én, pénteken 9 órai kezdettel a K507-es teremben fog tartani.

Az előadás címe: Science and Technology for Robotic Rehabilitation

Az előadás absztraktja: With the increase in casualties, man-made accidents and lifestyle disorders which results in amputations of limb, stroke, and musculoskeletal impairments results in need of rehabilitation aids to save human life. After any kind of disability to above or below limb, the individual becomes fully dependent on the assistive device.

Robotic Device for rehabilitation are emerging to serve mankind it is our duty to provide quality aids at an affordable cost. Linkages between Biomechanics and robotic device development is needed to strengthen to achieve the technology for sophisticated and low-cost robotic device for assistance.

The device development cycle requires the knowledge of gait analysis at three stages:
a) for identifying design requirements,
b) for adaptive control and
c) for performance quantification.

Experimental gait analysis helped to narrow down the control parameter for variable gait. The integration requires identification of sensing parameters (sensor development) and design of the anthropometric mechanism, fabrication, Control Algorithm, testing and patient trials to record the device efficacy. This engraves a pathway for cost-effective and intelligent Rehabilitation Aids. Quantification of performance analysis of these robotic devices needs scalable and quantified parameters of performance used by larger strata of society.