2023-ban is beszámoltak kutatásaikról a HUN-REN SZTAKI PhD-hallgatói
2023. október 27-én a SZTAKI PhD-hallgatói beszámoltak PhD-eredményeikről.
Az egész napos programon összesen húsz PhD-hallgató tartott előadást. Az előadók és témavezetőik névsorát, valamint a témák és előadások angol nyelvű címeit az alábbi táblázatban tesszük közzé.
Név | Témavezető | Téma/előadás angol címe |
Bugár-Mészáros Barnabás | Majdik András |
Research topic: Aerial-ground perception, localization, and mapping of mobile robots Title of the presentation: First steps toward cooperative robotic applications |
Szögi Evelin | Kis Tamás |
Research topic: Scheduling problems with additional resources Title of the presentation: Scheduling Jobs to Minimize a Convex Function of Resource Usage |
Madaras Vilmos | Benedek Csaba |
Research topic: Automatic analysis and visualization of medical images Title of presentation: Molecular pathological characterisation of lung cancer using PET/CT imaging |
Jánoki Imre Gergely | Földesy Péter |
Research topic: Machine Learning and Machine Vision Title of the presentation: Machine Learning Based Monitoring of Sleep and Activity |
Lelkó Attila | Németh Balázs |
Research topic: Autonomous vehicle control design methods with guaranteed performances Title of the presentation: Combination of classical and data based control methods using supervised control framework |
Dobrovoczki Péter | Kis Tamás |
Research topic: Problem representations in integer programming Title of presentation: Network flow representation of disjunctive cuts |
Golarits Marcell | Szirányi Tamás, Rózsa Zoltán |
Research topic: Sensor fusion and evaluation in networked sensor systems (for autonomous driving) Title of presentation: Super-resolution imaging utilizing the flexible wing motion of a pseudo-satellite |
Hoang Anh Tuan (László) | Viharos Zsolt János |
Title of presentation: Internal Dependency based Exploration for Neural Architecture Search |
Dózsa Tamás | Soumelidis Alexandros, Kovács Péter | Title of presentation: Adaptive Transformations in Signal Processing |
Farkas Attila |
Lovas Róbert, |
Title of presentation: Investigation of deep learning processes in parallel and distributed environments |
Rácz Dániel | Daróczy Bálint, Benczúr András |
Research topic: Generalization of neural networks and related models Title of presentation: PAC bounds for feedforward ReLU networks and LPVs related to neural ODEs. |
Szentpéteri Szabolcs | Csáji Balázs Csanád |
Research topic: System indentification Title of presentation: Sample Complexity of the Sign-Perturbed Sums Identification Method |
Tamás Ambrus | Csáji Balázs Csanád |
Title of presentation: Probably Approximately Correct Bounds for Classification |
Horváth Dániel | Erdős Gábor |
Research topic: Reinforcement Learning Based Adaptive Robotic Systems |
H. Zováthi Örkény | Benedek Csaba |
Research topic: Mobile 3D environment perception with a geospatial database background Title of presentation: Advanced Methods for Environment Analysis Based on Lidar Data |
Kégl Marcell | Benedek Csaba |
Research topic: 3D environment perception based on multimodal spatial data Title of the presentation: Automatic Targetless Calibration for LIDAR and Camera Based on Foreground Segmentation |
Horváth Bálint | Csáji Balázs Csanád |
Research topic: Statistical Machine Learning Title of presentation: Distribution-Free Confidence Bands with Kernels |
Siket Máté | Zarándy Ákos, Földesy Péter |
Research topic: Model-based investigation of physiological systems and signals Title of presentation: Non-contact monitoring in rodent home cages |
Szádoczki Zsombor | Szirányi Tamás |
Research topic:Interaction and Navigation with On-Board UAV in the Wildness; |
Chang Liu | Szirányi Tamás |
Research topic: Interaction and Navigation with On-Board UAV in the Wildness; |