In: European symposium on computer aided process engineering - 11. 34th European symposium of the working party on computer aided process engineering. ESCAPE-11. Kolding, 2001. (Computer-aided chemical engineering, 9.).
In: Proceedings of the 14th international. conference on systems science. Wroclaw, 2001. Vol. 1. Plenary and invited papers, systems theory, control theory..
Generic two-degree of freedom control systems for linear and nonlinear processes
Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii "Politechnica" din Timisoara, ROMANIA Seria AUTOMATICA si CALCULATOARE, Transactions on AUTOMATIC CONTROL and COMPUTER SCIENCE (Vol. 4)., pp. 81-86. ISSN 1224/600X
Virtual Training of Vector Function based Guiding Styles