In: 4th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS) BME Közlekedésmérnöki és Járműmérnöki Kar, Budapest, pp. 102-108.
Traffic speed prediction method for urban networks - an ANN approach
In: ASI '99. Advanced Summer Institute '99. ICIMS-NOE. Life cycle approaches to production systems. Management, control, and supervision. Preprints. Leuven, 1999..
A compromise oriented optimization tool for supporting decision making in machining
In: ICAPS 2011, The 21st International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, Proceedings of System Demonstrations, 2011-06-11 - 2011-06-16, Freiburg im Breisgau, Amerikai Egyesült Államok.
WindMT: An integrated system for failure detection and maintenance scheduling at wind farms