The linearized segmentation method for probabilistic cost simulation. (Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems, (LORDS) WP 98-14.)
On the models of peak load forecast uncertainty in probabilistic production costing algorithms (Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems (LORDS) WP 92-13)
Tartalék kapacitás tervezése villamosenergia-termelő rendszerekben.(Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems, (LORDS) WP 97-7.)
Operációkutatási eszközök alkalmazása villamosenergia-termelő rendszerek tervezési feladatainak megoldása során. Ph.D. értekezés. (Application of Operations Research Methods in Solving Planning Problems of Electric Power Generating Systems
In: Global energy transitions with emphasis on the last five years of the century. Conference proceedings. 19th IAEE international conference. Budapest, 1996..
Long-run marginal cost calculation for electricity tariff preparation in Hungary
GHGAME: An Excel add-in for computation with game theoretic models. ( Working paper of the Laboratory of Operations Research and Decision Systems, (LORDS) WP 2001-13.)