In: Automatizálás '95 konferecia nemzetközi részvétellel. Automation '95 conference with international participations. Proceedings. Budapest, 1995. Vol. 2..
Open systems in manufacturing, European and world-wide harmonized initiatives
In: MECHATRONICS '96 - MMVIP '96. The 5th UK mechatronics forum international conference. The 3rd international conference on mechatronics and machine vision in practice. Proceedings. Guimaraes, 1996. Vol. 1..
In: ASI'2000. The annual conference of ICIMS-NOE. Workshop on integration in manufacturing and beyond. IIMB'2000. Life cycle approaches to production systems. Management, control, and supervision. Preprints. Bordeaux, 2000..
Interactive multimedia as an affordable tool in factory environment
In: Automatizálás '95 konferecia nemzetközi részvétellel. Automation '95 conference with international participations. Proceedings. Budapest, 1995. Vol. 2..
In: Preprints of the 13th world congress of International Federation of Automatic Control. San Francisco, 1996. Vol. B. Manufacturing, social effects, bioproduction, biomedical, environment..
Intelligent control of manufacturing systems using open communications