Budapesten rendezik a 20. Európai Matematika az Iparért Konferenciát
London, Wuppertal, Lund, Taormina és Santiago de Compostela után idén Budapesten rendezik meg az Európai Matematika az Iparért Konferenciát (20th European Conference on Mathematics for Industry), melynek intézetünk az egyik társszervezője.
Akárcsak a Matematika az Iparban Európai Konzorcium – European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) – más konferenciái, a budapesti konferencia is az egyetemek, kutatóintézetek és az ipar kapcsolatát, eredményes együttműködését hivatott segíteni, különösen az iparban alkalmazott matematikai módszerek és technológiák területén. A konferencia elnöke intézetünk igazgatója: Monostori László.
További információ az alábbi linken.
After London, Wuppertal, Lund, Taormina and Santiago de Compostela, Budapest hosts the European Conference on Mathematics for Industry. This will be the 20th conference in the conference-series. Our Institute is proud to be among the organizing institutions. As other conferences organised by the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) , also this one seeks to provide forum for the interaction between academic institutions and Industry particularly in the field of applied mathematics and mathematical technologies. The General Chair of the conference is Prof. L. Monostori, the Director of our Institute.
The series of European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) conferences are devoted to enforce the interaction between academy and industry, leading to innovations in both fields. These events have attracted leading experts from business, science and academia, and have promoted the application of novel mathematical technologies to industry. We hope that ECMI 2018 will further enhance multidisciplinary research and development both in academia and industry, leading to the formulation of challenging real-life problems, where mathematics may provide significant new insights and at the same time may be inspired by those interactions.
Major application areas to be covered:
- Applied Physics
- Biology and Medicine
- Cybersecurity
- Data Science
- Economy, Finance and Insurance
- Energy
- Production Systems
- Social Challenges
- Vehicles and Transportation
Selected list of mathematical topics to be covered:
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Cooperative Games
- Cryptography
- Delay Differential Equations
- Finite Elements
- Fluid Dynamics
- Hamilton-Jacobi Equations
- Impulsive Control
- Information-Theory and Statistics
- Inverse Problems
- Machine Learning
- Network Analysis
- Point Processes
- Portfolio Problems
- Reaction-Diffusion Equations
- Risk Processes
- Scheduling Theory
- Semi-Definite Programming
- Signal Processing
- Stochastic Approximation
- Spatial Processes
- System Identification
- Uncertainty Quantification
- Wavelets
Plenary speakers:
- Paola Goatin , INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Team ACUMES, France
- Stefan Kurz, TU Darmstadt and Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
- Knut-Andreas Lie, SINTEF Digital, Mathematics & Cybernetics, Oslo, Norway
- László Lovász, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
- Anna Marciniak-Czochra, University of Heidelberg, Germany
- Christophe Prud'homme, University of Strasbourg and Cemosis, France
- Samuli Siltanen, University of Helsinki, Finland
- Gábor Stépán, BME, Hungary
- Andrew Stuart, CalTech, USA
The upcoming ECMI 2018 conference is jointly organized by
- The János Bolyai Mathematical Society
- The Institute of Mathematics at Eötvös Loránd University
- The Institute for Computer Science and Control of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI).
The organizing team of the conference includes
- General Chair & Chair of the Scientific Committee: Prof. László Monostori, MTA SZTAKI
- Chair of the Organizing Committee: Prof. Péter L. Simon, János Bolyai Mathematical Society and Eötvös Loránd University.
More information from here.