Umair Ali Khan (Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, Erlangen) előadása automatikus videócímkézésről
Umair Ali Khan, ERCIM-ösztöndíjas szakember, a Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits (Erlangen) kutatója a Gépi Érzékelés Kutatólaboratórium meghívására előadást tart május 15-én (hétfőn), 14:30-kor a Kende utcai épület 507-es tárgyalójában.
Az előadás címe: Automatic video tagging using deep learning.
Az előadás absztraktja: Retrieving information from movies is becoming increasingly demanding due to the enormous amount of multimedia data generated each day. Not only it helps in efficient search, archiving and classification of movies, but is also instrumental in content censorship and recommendation systems. Extracting key information from a movie and summarizing it in a few tags which best describe the movie presents a dedicated challenge and requires an intelligent approach to automatically analyze the movie. In this research, we formulate movies tags extraction problem as a machine learning classification problem and train a Convolution Neural Network (CNN) on a carefully constructed tag vocabulary. Our proposed technique first extracts key frames from a movie and applies the trained classifier on the key frames. The predictions from the classifier are assigned scores and are filtered based on their relative strengths to generate a compact set of most relevant key tags. The tags extracted from a movie are further useful in query based scene retrieval and extracting the most relevant key frames for movie summarization.
Az előadás nyelve: angol.
Időpont: 2017. május 15. (hétfő) 14:30.
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