Ugrás a tartalomra

Glocal Control: Framework, Theory, and Applications for Smart Transportation - Shinji Hara előadása

Prof. Shinji Hara a Rendszer- és Irányításelméleti Kutatólaboratórium meghívásában előadást tart 2017. október 26-án (csütörtökön), 15:00-kor a Kende utcai 507-es tanácsteremben.

Az előadás címe: Glocal (Global/Local) Control: Framework, Theory, and Applications for Smart Transportation.

Az előadás absztraktja: There are many dynamical systems that can be regarded as hierarchical networked systems in a variety of fields related to smart cities or worldwide crucial social problems such as environment, energy, transportation, and health. One of the ideas to treat those systems properly is "Glocal Control," which means that the global purpose is achieved by only local actions of measurement and control. The key for realization of glocal control is hierarchical networked dynamical systems with multiple resolutions in time and space depending on the layer. After the explanation of the background, a unified framework for hierarchical networked dynamical systems is introduced. The first part of the control theory is on stability, where three different types of stability tests, namely Nyquist, Hurwitz, and Lyapunov, are shown, and the robust stability issue is discussed for treating the heterogeneous case. We then focus on how to design hierarchical decentralized control with both local and global objectives, where a couple of hierarchical decentralized optimal control synthesis methods are presented. Through the talk we show the effectiveness of the theoretical results for applications to realize smart transportation systems including hierarchical decentralized control for electric vehicles and urban transportation systems.

Az előadás nyelve: angol.

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Budapest, 1111. Kende utca 13-17, 507-es tanácsterem.