Aydin Nassehi (University of Bristol) előadása az intelligens gyártási rendszerekről
Aydin Nassehi (University of Bristol), a Mérnöki és Üzleti Intelligencia Kutatólaboratórium meghívására előadást tart május 16-án (kedden), 15:30-kor a Kende utcai Nagytanácsteremben.
Az előadás címe: Smart Manufacturing Systems: Manufacturing systems that proactively learn and use their knowledge to make optimised production decisions.
Az előadás absztraktja: The emerging global demand trend for very rapid delivery of complex, and often customised, products in an increasingly volatile production environment is highlighting the need for a new paradigm for manufacturing systems. In pursuit of efficiency and agility, buffers and wasteful safety stock has been removed from the traditional production environment and the systems are now very sensitive to internal and external disturbances. In this talk, I will explore three attributes of a smart manufacturing system that could cope well in today’s market and react well to the environment to achieve effective results. These attributes are connectivity, or the ability to transfer information from one component in the system to another component where the information is required; self-trainability, or the ability to not only learn from the past but to conduct experiments based on hypothetical scenarios in silico or in situ to learn proactively; and, cognition, or the ability to construct higher level knowledge from the acquired data based on existing models of the system or ontology. I will explore, how a manufacturing system with these attributes can improve its performance, identify some of the key research challenges in realising these abilities and form conjectures on potential destinations to which pursuing the development of such systems could lead.
Az előadás nyelve: angol.
Időpont: 2017. május 16. (kedd) 15:30.
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Budapest, 1111. Kende utca 13-17, Nagytanácsterem.