In: Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 10th International Joint Conference, VISIGRAPP 2015 Berlin, Germany, March 11–14, 2015 Revised Selected Papers Communications in Computer and Information Science (598) Springer, Switzerland, pp. 316-337.
Novel Methods for Estimating Surface Normals from Affine Transformations
In: Joint Hungarian-Austrian conference on image processing and pattern recognition. 5th conference of the Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (KÉPAF), 29th workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (OAGM/AAPR.
In: Joint Hungarian-Austrian conference on image processing and pattern recognition. 5th conference of the Hungarian Association for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (KÉPAF), 29th workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (OAGM/AAPR.
Painterly rendering by scale-space feature extraction