HUBUSKA 3rd open workshop. Methods and tools for development of semantic enabled systems and services for multimedia concent, interoperability and reusability. Klagenfurt, 2006
In: HUBUSKA 3rd open workshop. Methods and tools for development of semantic enabled systems and services for multimedia concent, interoperability and reusability. Klagenfurt, 2006..
Algorithmic background of the host recommendation in the adaptive distributed multimedia server
In: HUBUSKA 3rd open workshop. Methods and tools for development of semantic enabled systems and services for multimedia concent, interoperability and reusability. Klagenfurt, 2006..
Abstracting and characterizing distributed VoD servers
In: AVSTP2P 2010. Proceedings of the 2010 ACM workshop on advanced video streaming techniques for peer-to-peer networks and social networking. Firenze, 2010..
Knapsack problem-based piece-picking algorithms for layered content in peer-to-peer networks