In: 13th International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and their Applications (CNNA), Turin, Italy Aug. 29-31, 2012, 2012-08-29 - 2012-08-31, Torino, Olaszország.
Azimuth estimation of distant, approaching airplane in see-and-avoid systems
In: ICINCO 2012. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. Vol. 1., 2012-07-28 - 2012-07-31, Roma, Olaszország.
Design and analysis of an automated heavy vehicle platoon
In: SysTol 2013. 2nd International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems October 9-11, 2013, Nice, France, 2013-10-09 - 2013-10-11, Nice, Franciaország.
Smart Mini Actuators for Safety Critical Unmanned Aerial Vehicles