Alexandros Soumelidis, Ph.D.
Alexandros Soumelidis is a senior research fellow and the head of the Measurements and Control Technology Group at the SCL. He educated in electric engineering with specialization in measurements and control at the Technical University of Budapest. He obtained his PhD in 2002 at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and habilitation in. 2013 at the Széchenyi István University (Győr) His main research interests include systems and control theory, signal processing, theory of signal representations, system modeling and identification, as well implementation issues of measurement and control systems. His teaching activities include measurement technologies, signal processing, system modeling, identification and control mainly focusing on mechatronic systems. He acts in three universities - Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Szent István University, Gödöllő, and Széchenyi István University, Győr - as a honorary associate professor, associate professor, and research professor, respectively. His application fields of interest include industrial and power production systems, aerial and ground vehicles, and - eventually - also medical electronics and diagnostics. He is a five-time recipient of the MTA SZTAKI Institute Award.
- Head of the Measurements and Control Technology Group at SCL
- Senior Research Fellow, MTA SZTAKI Systems and Control Research Laboratory
- Research Professor at the Vehicle Technologies Research Center, Széchenyi István University, Győr
- Associate Professor at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Szent István University, Gödöllő
- Honorary Associate Professor at the Department of Vehicle and Transportation Control, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Dr. habil (Computer Sciences), Faculty of Technical Sciences, Széchenyi István University, 2013.
- Ph.D. (Interdisciplinary Technical Sciences), Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2001.
- M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and specializazion in Measurement and Control Sciences, Technical University of Budapest (today Budapest University of Technology and Economics), 1979 and 1981
Research Areas
- Theory of signals and systems, signal processing, signal and system representations
- Systems modelling and identification
- Implementations of measurement and control systems
- Vehicle electronics, measurement and control
- Applications of embedded systems
Memberships, Assignments
- Member of International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) "Technical Committee 4.2 on Mechatronics Systems"
- Member of IEEE - Control Systems Society, Signal Processing Society, Sensors and Instrumentation Society
- Member of Scientific Society for Measurement, Automation and Informatics (MATE)
- Member of John von Neumann Computer Society (NJSZT)
Educational Activity
- Faculty of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Sensors and Actuators (Specialization in Mechatronics BSc course, 4 hours/week)
- Vehicle Measurement Technologies and Signal Processing (MSc course, 2 hours/week, spring semester)
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Szent István University
- Applied Informatics (BSc+MSc course, 3 hours/week, fall semester)
- Embedded Control of Mechatronic Systems (BSc+MSc, 3 hours/week, spring semester)