Péter Bauer, Ph.D.
Péter BAUER received his MSc in aerospace engineering in 2005 and PhD in mechanical engineering sciences in 2013 at Budapest University of Technolgy and Economics (BME), Faculty of Transportation Engineering. His main research field is the application of electro-optical sensors in aerial vehicle navigation including sensor fault detection, navigation in case of GPS outages and aircraft sense and avoid systems. His related research is reference signal tracking solutions and their application to aerial vehicle control (unmanned aicraft and multicopter drones). He also deals with sensor calibration, nonlinear state estimation and planning of flight test experiences. His new topics are ground and aerial vehicle cooperative control and multicopter system identification. He takes part in aerospace engineering related projects in the institute including EU H2020 projects, the work of the Autonomous Systems National Laboratory, GINOP projects and a long and successful scientific cooperation with University of Minnesota. This latter now focused on the fault detection and reconfiguration of a small UAV. He also dealt with the control of hybrid solar vehicles and the modelling of highway traffic considering driver behaviour as a PhD student at BME. His new topic is mono camera-based collision detection in automotive applications.
- Senior Research Fellow, HUN-REN SZTAKI Systems and Control Laboratory 2016-
- Research Fellow, MTA SZTAKI Systems and Control Laboratory 2013-2016
- Assistant Research Fellow, MTA SZTAKI Systems and Control Laboratory 2011-2013
- Junior Researcher, MTA SZTAKI Systems and Control Laboratory 2008-2011
- PhD student at the BME Faculty of Transportation Engineering, Department of Control and Transport Automation 2005-2008
- PhD in Mechanical Engineering, 2013
- MSc in Mechanical Engineering 2005
Research areas
- Application of electro-optical sensors in aerial vehicle navigation
- Camera-based fault detection of onboard sensory systems
- Camera-based collision avoidance systems theory and development for aerial and ground vehicles
- Development of reference signal tracking solutions
- Planning and control of aircraft waypoint and path tracking flights
- Development of algorithms related to aircaft navigation (estimation of orientation, velocity, position and wind disturbances)
- Calibration of inertial sensors
- Planning of flight test experiences
- Gorund and aerial vehicle cooperative control
- System identification of multicopter drones
- Leader of cooperation with Robert Bosch Kft 2023
- Member of IFAC CC 7 Transportation and Vehicles / TC 7.3 Aerospace 2022-
- Leader of FT2 Autonomous ground proximity aerial solutions subproject of Developing innovative automotive testing and analysis competencies in the West Hungary region based on the infrastructure of the Zalaegerszeg Automotive Test Track GINOP-2.3.4-15-2020-00009 project 2020-2023
- Autonomous Systems National Laboratory sub project leader 2020-
- Sensor and actuator fault detection
- Cooperative experimental platform
- Flipased EU H2020 project, Quality Manager 2019-2023
- Member of IFAC CC 7 Transportation and Vehicles / TC 7.5 Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles 2017-
- FLEXOP EU H2020 project, Quality Manager 2015-2019
- Sense and Avoid project, Project Manager 2015-2019
Educational activity
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems
- Control theory II (BSc, 3 hour/week, seminars and laboratory measurements)
Selected projects
Autonomous Systems National Laboratory 2020-
FLIPASED (EU H2020) 2019-2023
FLEXOP (EU H2020) 2015-2019
VISION (EU H2020) 2016-2019
RECONFIGURE (EU FP7) 2015-2016