Some premature infants spend weeks in incubators. During this time, their nervous system continues to develop. It is medically proven that prolonged periods of pain during this phase impact negatively the development of their white matter. However...
Development of an AI-supported, camera-based product family for monitoring and predicting daily activities of premature infants
Department in charge
Currently used methods rely exclusively on objective diagnostic tools for monitoring the condition of infants. However, professionals increasingly recognize the importance of individual quality of life for patients, although suitable tools for...
The aim of our research and development is to use new technological opportunities created by the digital transformation of industry. Also, to make production and logistics networks more efficient and adaptable to changing circumstances, while taking...
Integrated measurement device demonstrator for phototropic industrial microalgae reactors
Department in charge
The goal of the project is to develop a series of instruments that autonomously measures the physiological data of phototropic industrial microalgae and environmental parameters essential for automating algae cultivation. These instruments will...
The aim of the R&D project led by Medicor Ltd. is to increase the survival chances and ensure the quality survival of neonates born with very low birth weight (500 grams). The development is based on an already successful cooperation established in...
FameLab is the world’s leading science communication competition. It spotlights the science communicators of tomorrow, who can show off their area of expertise in a truly engaging way. Cheltenham Festivals launched the first FameLab in 2005, and in...
The aim of the project is to implement a new incubator device that reduces the mortality rate of newborns, particularly premature infants, improves their survival chances and prospects, mitigates damage, and enhances their safety. This will be...
Plastic bottle extruding and labeling development for building new innovative, environment friendly packaging materials and technology: The goal of the project is to develop a new environment friendly packaging and labeling material and technology...
The main, overall objective of the project is to establish the Centre of Excellence in Production Informatics and Control (EPIC CoE) as a leading, internationally acknowledged focus point in the field of cyber-physical production systems. The main...
LinkingDanube deals with insufficient provision of cross-border traveller information on public transport, particularly considering cross-border commuting and mobility in rural areas. The overall project objective is to foster environmentally...
Industry 4.0 Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence
Department in charge
Progressive and well scheduled building of bridges between the physical and digital worlds, a special readiness for innovative adaptation, answers to challenges in a prompter way than any time before, including bold steps to be made concerning...