Scientific Projects

2 Aug 2016– 31 Mar 2017

Vehicle-oriented research has been pursued for many years now at SCL. Its results materialized in various forms ranging from research initiatives and R&D project proposals through conference and journal publications to industrial R&D contracts. However, a comprehensive demonstration of the vehicle-oriented research output has always been problematic within the Institute due to its limited facilities available in respect of this application field.

1 Jul 2016– 31 Jul 2017
Két kamerás fedélzeti látórendszer
2-camera on-board vision system


Our department develops a 2-camera vision system within the MTA-SZTAKI ISAAC internal project, which system can detect and track a small UAV in real-time on the Sindy aircraft. The system can also identify dangerous approaches.

1 Apr 2016– 31 Mar 2018

MTA SZTAKI, EMI Laboratory has started a 24 month long, EUREKA  international  R&D&I cooperation project  under the acronym:  INTRO4.0 , on the 1st of April, 2016.  Due to the international EUREKA project class,  the national partners   prepare cooperation based  efforts,  in this case with the German KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, which acts also as the coordinator.  Among the Hungarian partners, HEPENIX Research and Development Ltd. plays the national industrial coordinator’s role, and SZTAKI is the RTD   academic partner.

1 Mar 2016– 28 Feb 2019

The VISION project  is a European-Japanese collaborative research project. To enhance air transport safety, the main objective of the project is to validate smarter technologies for aircraft guidance, navigation and control (GN&C)  by including:

1 Feb 2016– 31 Jan 2019

The COURAGE project is exploring the methods for cultural opposition in the socialist era (cc. 1950-1990). We are building a database of historic collections, persons, groups, events and sample collection items using a fully linked data solution with data stored in an RDF triple store. The registry will be used to create virtual and real exhibitions and learning material, and will also serve as a basis for further narratives and digital humanities (DH) research.

1 Jan 2016– 31 Dec 2018

Started in January 2016, the EXCELL project (Actions for Excellence in Smart Cyber-Physical Systems applications through exploitation of Big Data in the context of Production Control and Logistics) foresees the collaboration of researchers from four European countries (Hungary, Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium) in the field of Cyber-Physical Systems and Big Data applications serving production and logistics networks.

31 Dec 2015– 30 Nov 2018

STREAMLINE will address the competitive advantage needs of European online media businesses (EOMB) by delivering fast reactive analytics suitable in solving a wide array of problems, including addressing customer retention, personalized recommendation, and more broadly targeted services. STREAMLINE will develop cross-­sectorial analytics drawing on multi­‐source data originating from online media consumption, online games, telecommunications services, and multilingual web content. STREAMLINE partners face big and fast data challenges.

1 Dec 2015– 30 Nov 2017

Our goal is to overcome the present state of the art (decision trees, logistic regression) in analyzing customer behavior and predicting risks for bank customers. We emphasize the deployment of open source analytics software. Our partner is OTP Bank.

1 Oct 2015– 30 Sep 2018

Modern multifunctional clinical instruments enhance the accuracy of the medical diagnostics. The aim of this development project is to create a multi or hyper-spectral illuminator that can be used in medical imaging instruments such as endoscopes. The new illuminator will be able to generate high power light beam composed of arbitrary narrow bandwidth spectral components  and modify the composition quickly in time to support multi-spectral imaging with a video camera. 

The homepage of the project:

Oct 2015

Since autumn 2015, our laboratory cooperates with Hoya Szemüveglencse Gyártó Magyarország Ltd. within the topics of simulation analysis and „Industry 4.0”. The primary goal of the project is to model different segments of the company’s plant in Mátészalka, according to different capacity planning and process improvement criteria. Within the developments and workshops of the cooperation, the engineers of Hoya picked up the basics of simulation modelling, enabling them to use this technology in the everyday practice.