Project data
Department in charge
Started in January 2016, the EXCELL project (Actions for Excellence in Smart Cyber-Physical Systems applications through exploitation of Big Data in the context of Production Control and Logistics) foresees the collaboration of researchers from four European countries (Hungary, Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium) in the field of Cyber-Physical Systems and Big Data applications serving production and logistics networks.
The main activities of the project will foster the mutual development of knowledge in 8 Priority Research Fields (PRFs), as well as 6 complementary skills in the course of transnational secondments and training sessions. Furthermore, the project will support the exploitation of user-driven innovation.
The 8 Priority Research Fields are:
- Cyber-Physical Systems and Human System Interaction
- Business-based Internet of Things and Services
- Next-generation Authentication and Authorization Solutions
- Enhanced Context-aware Services
- Cognitive modelling and social networking approaches
- Data mining
- Data interoperability
- Tracking and tracing
EXCELL is an H2020 Twinning project of 3 years duration, with MTA SZTAKI leading the consortium.
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Computer Science and Control
- KU Leuven
- Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology (Fraunhofer FIT)
- Aston University