Dávid Karnok, Ph.D.
research fellow
+36 1 279 6276
1111 Budapest, Kende u. 13-17.
Room number
K 513
Date of Birth : 13th January 1982
Marital status: single
Nationality : Hungarian
- 1988-1996: Egressi Béni Musical Ground School, Gyöngyös
- 1996-2000: Vak Bottyán János Technical and Economical Secondary School, Gyöngyös, Mechanical Engineering Subject
- 2000-2005: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Graduated Mechanical Engineer
- 2005-2008: Budapest University of Technology and Economics Abraham Pattantyús Engineering Sciences PhD. program
- English
middle level, class C exam.
- German
middle level, class B2 exam.
- Final Examination in a Hungarian secondary school (2000)
- Metal cutting qualification (2000)
- AutoCAD 2000 middle level qualification (2000)
- Graduated Mechanical Engineer Diploma (2005)
- Category "B" driving licence (1999)
- Microsoft Windows 98/XP/7 knowledge
- Microsoft Word, Excel high level knowledge
- Microsoft PowerPoint basic knowledge
- PTC Pro Engineer/WildFire user level knowledge
- AutoDesk Mechanical Desktop user level knowledge
- Visual Basic programming language knowledge
- Delphi programming language advanced knowledge
- Windows programming knowledge
- General technical enginering knowledge
- Natural Economical knowledge
- Program designing knowledge
- System technic and System control knowledge
- Computerical Simulations knowledge
- Artifical Intelligence basic knowledge
- Ethics, Social Psychology, Human Games (Social Psychiatry), Business Ethics knowledge
- General economical knowledge
- HTML Webpage creation knowledge
- General Internet and network knowledge
- Management knowledge
- Production Management knowledge
- CNC machine programming knowledge
- Law for Engineers knowledge
- Electrical machines, Electronics - Mechatronics knowledge
- Computer based controls theories knowledge
- Algor FEM program knowledge
- Java, J2EE programming knowledge
- Web programming knowledge
- MySQL, Oracle database programming knowledge
- Summer, 1998, Horváth Kft, Gyöngyös: 1 week summer production experience, metal cutting experience
- Summer, 1999 nyara, Vak Bottyán János Technical and Economical Secondary School, Gyöngyös
2 week summer production experience, repair and metal cutting experience
- Summer, 2000, Vak Bottyán János Technical and Economical Secondary School, Gyöngyös: 1 week work with AutoCAD 2000, 1 week programming in PASCAL
- January-February, 2005, S-Matte Kft., Budapest: Administration System automatization by Excel programming
- March-June, 2005, Hungarian Academi of Sciences (MTA) Research Institute for Computer and Automatization (SZTAKI), Intelligent Manufacturing and Business Processes group (IMBP): Research on production scheduling systems and their improvements
- 2005. july-august: Hungarian Academi of Sciences (MTA) Research Institute for Computer and Automatization (SZTAKI), Intelligent Manufacturing and Business Processes group (IMBP): Research on production tracking systems and their improvements
- 2005. szeptember-2006. august: Hungarian Academi of Sciences (MTA) Research Institute for Computer and Automatization (SZTAKI), Intelligent Manufacturing and Business Processes group (IMBP): Research on daily level distortion management for production tracking and scheduling systems. Improving interfaces between multiple systems
- 2006. szeptember-2007. augusztus: Hungarian Academi of Sciences (MTA) Research Institute for Computer and Automatization (SZTAKI), Engineering Management and Intelligence (EMI): Production Informatics, Multi-agent systems, Research on MES systems
- 2008. september- Hungarian Academi of Sciences (MTA) Research Institute for Computer and Automatization (SZTAKI), Engineering Management and Intelligence (EMI): Research assistant, Joung researcher scholarship
- Programming
- Internet programming
- Computer systems design and development
- Computer Networks
- Sci-fi literature, Sci-fi films