Gianfranco Pedone, Ph.D.
senior research fellow
+36 1 279 6176
1111 Budapest, Kende u. 13-17.
Room number
K 515
Education, degrees
- 2004 MSc in Information Technology Engineering and Management, University of Studies in Lecce, Italy
- 2012 Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Eötvös Lóránd University in Budapest, Hungary.
Fields of interest
- Multi-agent systems, cloud and web computing, semantic interoperability in scientific and business applications
- Cyber-physical system applications, interoperability in industrial architectures, service-oriented architectures
- Digital platforms for circular economy.
Professional societies
- International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) TC 5.3 on Integration and Interoperability of Enterprise Systems, Member
- MTA SZTAKI Award for outstanding research results (2011, 2020)
Author or co-author of 34 scientific articles, among which 19 referenced journals, 2 book chapters and 12 international conference papers, with 470+ independent references.
For more details, see Google Scholar or the complete list of publications here.