Scientific Projects

1 Jan 2007– 31 Dec 2013

JUMAS (Judicial Management by Digital Libriaries Semantics) is a European project funded by the ICT programme within the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Development activities of the European Commisson for the period from 2007 to 2013. JUMAS addresses the need to supply the users with effective tools for managing multimedia libraries, such as criminal trial proceedings. New models and techniques for extracting and representing the embedded semantics derived from multiple data sources will be developed.

1 Oct 2006– 30 Sep 2010

Coordinated by Continental AG the consortium of major European car manufacturers, suppliers, research institutions, and academia addresses a vehicle system that promises maximum impact and reward regarding the transferability to other parts of the vehicle and that can be achieved within the 4 years of duration of the project:

1 Sep 2006– 31 Dec 2009

Because of its apparent strengths in distributing resources, and coordinating their activities towards an overall objective, grid computing has a high potential to contribute substantially to the competitiveness of commercial and non-commercial organizations. Most current Grid solutions, however, are still not able to sufficiently achieve this aim because grid technologies still lack the capability to cope with important challenges enterprises are faced today.

1 Jun 2006– 31 Oct 2007

The goal of the project

Freesoft Plc. has made considerable efforts to make the quality of its products and services better via the developments that are to be realized through R&D project results. Its Contentum content management product, which is a market leader in the field of file and document management systems used in public administration in Hungary, aims to support the better management of search and retrieval functions of these systems and to reduce the high costs of digitizing.

1 Jan – 31 Dec

The main objective of the program is to establish the network of resource centers of education and experts - the New Media Knowledge Villages - for integrated digital TV and web developments that are based on the "TV anywhere-anytime" model. The convergence of the internet and broadcasting offers the opportunity of developing new values and new, high quality content within the area of education services. The project exploits the training opportunity that is offered by the integration of the internet and digital TV.

1 Jan 2006– 31 Dec 2007

The basic goal of the ABILITIES (Application Bus for InteroperabiLITy In enlarged Europe SMEs) project is to study, design and develop a federated architecture implemented by a set of intelligent and adaptive UBL active messages (an Application Bus for EAI) and basic interoperability services, which aims at supporting SMEs EAI in e-commerce contexts, specifically in less developed Countries and less RTD intensive industrial sectors.

In particular, ABILITIES will address three research streams:

1 Nov 2005– 30 Sep 2008

The wide range of operational risks companies and organisations are exposed to, encompass risks stemming from wilful internal and external frauds, and other criminal acts as well as from deficiencies of internal procedures, weak control thereof and insufficient staff skill and experience. As a consequence of all these, companies (may) incur significant losses. One of the specific objectives of our project is the reduction/mitigation of operational risk in financial institutions.

1 Oct 2005– 31 May 2007

CALIBRATE brings together eight Ministries of Education, (including six MoEs from new member states), leading research institutions, validation experts, technology providers and SMEs to carry out a multi-level project designed to support the collaborative use and exchange of learning objects/resources in schools.


1 Jul 2005– 30 Jun 2009

The MOBILE INNOVATION CENTRE (MIK) was founded as a result of the call for proposals „The Establishment of R&D and Innovation Centre for Mobile Communication” supported by the National Office for Research and Technology. The Centre is based on the cooperation of universities, academic research institutions, industrial companies, suppliers and organisations dealing with scientific research and innovation, including the representatives of profit-oriented and non-profit sectors.

Project objectives

1 Jun 2005– 31 May 2006

The goal of the project

The long-term goal is

  • to create a a freely available, versatile, sophisticated, and user friendly argument mapping software system,
  • to promote the usage of it as widely as possible.

This is done in the hope that