Scientific Projects

1 Jun 2009– 31 Mar 2013

The goal of the TERASTART is to found a theory and practice, which provides a framework for experiences and applications of the terahertz (THz) band of the spectrum.
Our aim is to present a novel single-band and multi-band THz imaging and analysis methodology and practice, which is capable to perform wide area time-domain spectroscopy and integrating imaging.


1 Jan 2009– 31 Aug 2010

The ILI (Intelligent Visitor Guidance: Interactive environment driven by contextual semantics) project's aim is to create an integrated visitor guidance framework that is able to guide visitors in various environments (e.g. museum, hospital, shopping mall, car park, etc.), integrating the capabilities of sensors, location devices and modern displays and interactive devices, thus ILI creates intelligent buildings by enabling high level context-aware services for users.


1 Jan 2009– 31 May 2012

The objective of our project is the elaboration of a holographic microscope optimized for
water biological investigations. This instrument will facilitate the real-time study of the water
flowing through it. This system provides a perfect solution of the continuous water quality
monitoring for a Liveable and Sustainable Environment. Currently only conventional light
microscopes are being used for monitoring water bodies by periodical sampling.
Hereby we will be able to develop outstandingly useful instruments and systems - in

1 Jan 2009– 31 Dec 2011

The overall goal of the MEDUSA project is to realize a robust, high-performance, integrated, intelligent, autonomous and versatile multi-sensor data fusion grid. This deliverable will significantly improve Situational Awareness and Command and Control in the context of force protection in urban environments - by providing a comprehensive Operational Ground Picture. In providing such, the project considers the need to address current or prospective ‘information overload’ conditions and generating both the deliverable content and its means of delivery - based on ‘relevance’.

1 Oct 2008– 30 Sep 2012

When we apply sensors to measure a workspace, we can meet some interesting questions about the information content of he examined system:

1 Oct 2008– 30 Sep 2011

The primary goal of present work is to develop methods for the representation of visual information that integrates appearance, structure and motion visual cues. We believe that this integration can increase current performance of visual information categorization and recognition methods.

1 Oct 2008– 30 Sep 2011

The aim of the projekt is to systematically explore the conflict sitauations in solving the medium term production planning and short term scheduling problems, and to develop new solution approaches to tacke the two level optimisation problems. The main source of the coflicts is the diffeent objectives of the two decision levels. Since we assume that the schedulers optimize their own objectives, the planning problem is not equivalent to finding a Pareto optimal solution, but rather, a bilevel optimisation problem.

15 Mar 2008– 31 Mar 2011

Reliability focused research on optimizing Wind Energy systems design, operation and maintenance: Tools, proof of concepts, guidelines & methodologies for a new generation.

ReliaWind project is awarded EU funding within the frame of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for RTD (FP7) under the Specific Programme COOPERATION, Theme 5 - Energy (Call FP7-ENERGY-2007-1_RTD)

1 Mar 2008– 29 Feb 2012

S-Cube, the Software Services and Systems Network, aims to establish an integrated, multidisciplinary, vibrant research community which enables Europe to lead the software-services revolution, thereby helping shape the software-service based Internet which is the backbone of our future interactive society.

An integration of research expertise and an intense collaboration of researchers in the field of software services and systems are needed to address the following key problems:

1 Jan 2008– 31 Dec 2009

The targets of the project are user communities that require large computing power not available or accessible in current scientific e-Infrastructures. In order to support the specific needs of these scientific and other communities The consortium will interconnect the largest European Service Grid infrastructure (EGEE) with existing Desktop Grid (DG) systems in a strong partnership with the EGEE consortium.