Department in charge
The main objective of the program is to establish the network of resource centers of education and experts - the New Media Knowledge Villages - for integrated digital TV and web developments that are based on the "TV anywhere-anytime" model. The convergence of the internet and broadcasting offers the opportunity of developing new values and new, high quality content within the area of education services. The project exploits the training opportunity that is offered by the integration of the internet and digital TV. It is based on the "TV anywhere-anytime" model that was developed by the "TV Anytime Forum". This new technology demands very dynamic, up-to-date knowledge equally from the infocommunication experts, program designers, media experts and users. The target groups of the project are the following: (i) infocommunication and media experts, who work at education services providers - e.g. digital TV following the "TV anytime model" - or in the electronic media, advertisement agencies, (ii) education experts, teachers, tutors, who use the new technologies in the course of their pedagogical developments, (III) students, who wish to upgrade their competencies with those development results and tools of the content industry that have evolved as a result of the integration of the internet and broadcasting. The mobility of these target groups after acquiring these new competencies may increase in the labour market of the digital economy and they may create new business opportunities in the AV industry.
Partners: 8
- Technical University of Crete, Laboratory of Distributed Multimedia Information Systems and Applications - TUC/MUSIC (Greece) coordinator
- Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation - ERT S.A. (Greece)
- Institute of Information Technologies - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- IIT BAS (Bulgaria)
- Eurotelematica (Bulgaria)
- Balkan Multimedia Centre (Bulgaria)
- Maison des Sciences de l'Homme - MSH (France)
- Kürt Computer Ltd. (Hungary)
- MTA SZTAKI (Hungary)
Total Budget: 427 911 Euro