Department in charge
The objective of the program is to prepare reference studies that analyse the results of those research and pilot activities in the courses of which web, digital TV and mobile technology integrating eLearning solutions have been developed. "Ubiquitous learning" is the type of life-long learning that is customized to persons. It is the next generation of electronic learning. It allows easier access to courseware both in the areas of informal and non formal learning and it contributes to ensuring higher mobility for the citizens of Europe.
The primary target group of the program are represented by education designers and experts, training decision makers both on local and on European level. The secondary target group includes the eLearning developers and service providers, the pedagogical and sociological researchers, media experts and naturally the users of electronic learning, including the tutors, mentors, adult educators and the students.
Partners: 10
- Maison des Sciences de l'Homme - MSH (Francce) coordinator
- Technical University of Crete, Laboratory of Distributed Multimedia Information Systems and Applications - TUC/MUSIC (Greece)
- Consorzio per la Ricerca e l'Educazione Permanente - COREP (Italy)
- Stockholm University - Department of Education - SU-DE (Sweden)
- Multimedia Systems Center S.A. (Greece)
- MTA SZTAKI (Hungary)
- Eduweb Multimedia and Distance Learning Co (Hungary)
- Alliance for Strategies and Development of the Information Society -ASDIS (Bulgaria)
- Institute of Mathematics and Informatics - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - IMI BAS (Bulgaria)
- European Distance and E-Learning Network - EDEN (United Kingdom)
Total Budget: 505 931 Euro