Hun-CERT - CERT-Hungary
Department in charge
The two incident-handler organisation tries to lessen the negative impacts of the risk of using the Internet by building upon each others experiences. The following contracts have been materialized in this framerwork:
Professional judgement of the CERT-Hungary conception
In this study we help the new national CERT, CERT-Hungary coming to life for the proposal of The Ministry of Informatics and Communication by advices and remarks based on our own experiences. The study is based on the conceptional plans of CERT-Hungary. The study emphasises specialities connected to running CERT-like organisations in the current Hungarian circumstances. We also overview the terms needed for successful cooperation between existing and newly formed CERTs. We also deal with the most important tool of incident handling, the software system. The deployment, and customisation is fundamental to coordinated and traceable operation. The principles that should be considered when organising a new CERT are also discussed. A current extension of the study aims at details of the possible gains of the cooperation between the CERT-Hungary and Hun-CERT, which provides services mainly for the private sector.
Work-out of the hungarian government CSIRT's statutes
Hun-CERT, deployed at SZTAKI, as the organisation of the Hungarian academic community for improving Internet Security has gained valuable experience of the work of CERT like organisations. The adoptation of these experiences to the new Hungarian organisation is expressly needed and useful. During the cooperation SZTAKI has the following roles:
- Tutoring of incident handling methods, work-out of documentation describing the possible methods.
- Installation of the incident handling software to the PTA's computers, configuration, testing, tutoring usage.
- Providing tutoring and vocational services to appointed PTA associate, including handover of methodology and tutoring of the usage of these, especially the usage of the incident handling software.
Preparation of CERT-Hungary's FIRST membership
In cooperation with CERT-Hungary's associates SZTAKI has worked out the information handling regulations of CERT-Hungary, wich includes the following basic documents:
- Determine the order of assortment and labelling for the incoming incidents and information.
- Handling rules for information connected to incidents, especially handling that assures unique procession.
- Determining rules and methods used when forwarding incident ticket information to third parties.
- Methods and questions of the legal background of incformation handling.