With new hardware and artificial intelligence against skin cancer: The aim of the iToBoS project is to train an AI system able to integrate information from different sources, assessment of individual moles while considering the specific...
The main, overall objective of the project is to establish the Centre of Excellence in Production Informatics and Control (EPIC CoE) as a leading, internationally acknowledged focus point in the field of cyber-physical production systems. The main...
Industry 4.0 Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence
Department in charge
Progressive and well scheduled building of bridges between the physical and digital worlds, a special readiness for innovative adaptation, answers to challenges in a prompter way than any time before, including bold steps to be made concerning...
The HEXAA project includes a detailed study on present applications of Attribute Authorities (AA), and profound research on the legal and policy aspects. Realizing the problem of the limited attribute set that can be provided by real life Identity...
The integrated4D (i4D) project of MTA SZTAKI is a joint mission of the Distributed Events Analysis Research Laboratory (DEVA) and the Geometric Modelling and Computer Vision Laboratory (GMCV). The main objective of the project is to design and...
The wide range of operational risks companies and organisations are exposed to, encompass risks stemming from wilful internal and external frauds, and other criminal acts as well as from deficiencies of internal procedures, weak control thereof and...
The two incident-handler organisation tries to lessen the negative impacts of the risk of using the Internet by building upon each others experiences. The following contracts have been materialized in this framerwork: Professional judgement of the...
Measuring security risks of the public network and systems consisting of computers connected to a network, new applied methods in security, developing technologies and devices, elaborating sample security systems, determining operational guidelines...