Project data
Department in charge
The HEXAA project includes a detailed study on present applications of Attribute Authorities (AA), and profound research on the legal and policy aspects. Realizing the problem of the limited attribute set that can be provided by real life Identity Providers a user-centric Attribute Authority is proposed. Based on this concept, a new Attribute Authorities implementation is to be developed which would facilitate AA integration into federations and eduGAIN. The work will be tightly connected to existing collaboration task forces (REFEDs, GN3plus JRA3) in order to get early feedback and provide knowledge sharing. Moreover, we plan to integrate the developed solution with multiple e-Science applications and encourage other communities to apply our solution by intensive dissemination.
Project objectives:
1.Creating a comprehensive study on the federation-related requirements for Attribute Authorities using a representative set of academic institutions and individuals.
2.Creating a well-founded study on the possible architectures for an Attribute Authority Service.
3.Exploration of the policy and legal aspects of Attribute Authorities and establishing guidelines for federations and individual institutions those want to introduce Attribute Authorities.
4.Implementing good quality, open source software to meet the requirements of the identified and important use cases for Attribute Authorities.
5.Dissemination of the results by papers, talks, targeted communication to Academics.
Institute for Computer Science and Control, Hungarian Academy of Sciences;
National Information Infrastructure Development Institute