Department in charge
Further participating departments
The integrated4D (i4D) project of MTA SZTAKI is a joint mission of the Distributed Events Analysis Research Laboratory (DEVA) and the Geometric Modelling and Computer Vision Laboratory (GMCV). The main objective of the project is to design and implement a pilot system for the reconstruction and visualisation of complex spatio-temporal scenes by integrating two different types of data: outdoor 4D point cloud sequences recorded by a car-mounted Velodyne HDL-64E LIDAR sensor, and 4D models of moving actors obtained in an indoor 4D Reconstruction Studio. The main purpose of the integration is our desire to measure and represent the visual world at different levels of detail. In particular, we aim to achieve scientific contributions and provide innovative practical solutions in 4D virtual city reconstruction, protecting collective properties in urban environment, 4D video surveillance, augmented reality, and telecommunication.