Csaba Benedek, doctor of HAS
deputy director of research coordination
+36 1 279 6097
1111 Budapest, Kende u. 13-17.
Room number
K 316
Personal homepage: http://mplab.sztaki.hu/~bcsaba/
Deputy director, researcher, professor and project manager in various fields of computer vision, pattern recognition and image processing. Head of the Research Group on Geo-Information Computing.
- Deputy director for Scientific Coordination, HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control (HUN-REN SZTAKI), 2023-
- Scientific advisor, HUN-REN SZTAKI Machine Perception Research Laboratory 2020- (senior research fellow between 2009-2020)
- Full professor, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics 2021- (associate professor between 2015-2021)
- Postdoctoral researcher, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France (2008-2009)
Research topics
- Efficient management and automatic interpretation of geospatial data
- LIDAR point cloud based 3D object recognition and reconstruction
- Application of Bayesian classification and object modeling techniques in machine vision tasks
Scientific Awards
- Master Teacher Golden Medal, National Scientific Students’ Associations (2023)
- Michelberger Master Award, Hungarian Academy of Engineering (2020)
- Bolyai Plaquette, awarded to about 10% of Bolyai Scholarship holders by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2019)
- Imreh Csanád Plaquette, supervisor award of the National Scientific Students' Associations Conference (OTDK), Section Information Technology (2019)
- Acknowledgment for Researchers by the Secretary-General of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2018)
- Bolyai Certificate (2014)
- Young researcher’s award, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2014)
- SZTAKI publication award (2010, 2014 and 2018), institute awards (2008, 2010), doctorand awards (2005, 2007)
Memberships, professional activities
- HUN-REN SZTAKI AI Ambassador (2024-)
- Member of the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) (2024-)
- Vice chairman of the John von Neumann Computer Society since 2021
- Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Assembly delegate (2022-)
- Member of the Hungarian Academy of Engineering (2022-)
- European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), Signal and Data Analytics for Machine Learning (SIG-DML) technical committee member (2022-)
- Governing Board Member of the Internarional Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR), representative of Hungary, since 2019,, vice-chair of the Membership committee (2023-)
- President of the Hungarian Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society (KÉPAF) between2019-2023, member of the steering committee since 2013
- Hungarian national representative in the European Association for Biometrics (EAB), since January 2015
- Hungarian national representative in the International Cartographic Association (ICA) Commission on Sensor-Driven Mapping, since May 2020
- Senior Member of IEEE, GRS and SPS member
Selected project manager roles
- European Space Agency (ESA) Project, "AI based Fusion of Satellite/Airborne data for Biodiversity Change Characterization", 2023-2025, project leader
- National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIA) researcher initiated OTKA project 2022-2026, (48 months), principal investigator
- zMed GINOP 3.2.2, 2017-2020 project (36 months), technical and scientific coordinator @ SZTAKI
- National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIA), funding for Research Groups with Significant International Impact (KH-17 call), 2017-2019 (24 months), principal investigator
- National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIA) researcher initiated project 2016-2020, (48 months), principal investigator
- DUSIREF, funded by the European Space Agency in the PECS-HU framework, 2013-2016, project manager
- i4D (integrated4D), project funded by the internal R&D grant of MTA SZTAKI, 2012-2014, project manager
- Hungarian Scientific Research Fund project (OTKA #101598), "Comprehensive Remote Sensing Data Analysis", 2011-2014, principal investigator
- APIS (Array Passive ISAR adaptive processing), project funded by the European Defence Agency (EDA), 2010-2012, national project manager
Scientific Scholarships
- Janos Bolyai Research Fellowship, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2010-2013 and 2015-2018)
- French Postdoctoral Grant, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, 2008-2009
Lecturing activities
- Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPCU): lecturer and responsible of Computer graphics (HUN) and Basic Image Processing (EN) courses
- PhD supervisor with PPCU and Budapest University of Technology and Economics
- Supervisor of several BSc, MSc theses and award winning national student competition works
Editorial work
- Editorial Board Member of Elsevier Digital Signal Processing: A Review Journal (since 2019)
- Guest Editor of MDPI Remote Sensing, Special Issue "3D Urban Modeling by Fusion of Lidar Point Clouds and Optical Images" (2019-2021)
- Associate Editor of IEEE Inside Signal Processing eNewsletter, (2014-2019)