
1 Oct 2012– 30 Sep 2014

Creating a unique solution for comparing cloud services. The cloud services are very diverse, the providers use various hardware and software solutions. The task is to compare these and to create a necessary know-how for these. During this research we elaborate such processes that will be able to compare cloud systems, which use different kind of hardware and software, in terms of safety, availability and price.

1 Oct 2012– 31 Oct 2014

The NextGeneration project aims at the re-thinking of the terms scientific publication and scientific journal and researching the new generation of publications (multi-layer, enhanced publications, nanopublications, data papers, etc.). We would also like to prepare for a paradigm shift in the handling of primary/raw data, annotations, reviews and open access regarding research papers. A concrete pilot is planned with a Hungarian journal on economics.

The project will focus on the current problems including:

1 Sep 2012– 31 Dec 2015

Business intelligence, e-science and Web mining are rapidly growing sources of extreme large scale problems. We aim to design efficient methods for these problems based on deep theoretical foundations and relying on emerging means of distributed or many-core architectures. We expect new basic research results in the following areas:

• Web data and social network analysis;

• Content based image retrieval;

• Efficiency of distributed data warehouses for log processing and entity resolution;

• Handling mass data of transport and mobility.

1 Sep 2012– 31 Aug 2014

„Blindness separates us from things, but deafness separates us from people.” (Helen Keller)

Show your voice! The InterpreterGlove system operates as a sign language interpreter, enabling the speech- and hearing-impaired to communicate with the nondisabled using sign language, their native language. As the signs are automatically transformed to text and audible speech, this solution will significantly improve the communication for the hearing-disabled.

1 Sep 2012– 31 Aug 2014

The ER-flow project's aim is to build a European Research Community to promote workflow sharing and to investigate interoperability of the scientific data in workflow sharing.

The project will disseminate the achievements of the FP7 SHIWA project, particularly the coarse-grained workflow interoperability based on the SHIWA Simulation Platform.

1 Sep 2012– 31 Dec 2013

BonFIRE will design, build and operate a multi-site Cloud prototype FIRE facility to support research across applications, services and systems at all stages of the R&D lifecycle, targeting the services research community on Future Internet.

1 Sep 2012– 31 Dec 2015

Society has reached a point of no return, one that leaves us completely reliant on omnipresent ICT-mediated communication. Mobile and sensor-rich portable devices connect millions of humans with petabytes of data and numerous on-line services. However, tearing down the physical-digital barrier in a scalable fashion requires both radically novel algorithmic knowledge and in-depth understanding of humans and societies.

1 Jul 2012– 31 Dec 2014

Az E+grid adaptív intelligens energia-pozitív közvilágítási rendszer kifejlesztését a napenergia közvilágítási rendszerekben történő felhasználása, az intelligens energiahálózatok (smart grid) terjedése, az energiatakarékosságra való törekvés, valamint az intelligens városokban (smart cities) a közvilágítástól elvárt hozzáadott szolgáltatások motiválták.

1 Jul 2012– 30 Jun 2014

A projekt célja, hogy a két laboratórium együttműködése révén olyan, Európában is egyedülállónak számító rendszer jöjjön létre, amiben lehetőség van egy kísérleti fizikai gyártórendszer konfigurációjának és működtetésének virtuális térbe való kiterjesztésére. Ehhez szükség van az Intézet két kiemelt erőforrása - a SmartFactory valamint a 3DCave/VirCA rendszerek - közti valósidejű, kétirányú kapcsolat és együttműködés megteremtésére. A pályázat - egy kétéves időtávon - az ide vezető lépéseket határozza meg.

1 May 2012– 30 Apr 2015

In the past ten years, modern societies have developed enormous communication and social networks.Their classification and information retrieval becomes a formidable task for the society. Various search solutions have been developed by private companies which are actively used by Internet users. Due to the recent enormous developmentof World Wide Web and communication networks, new tools and algorithms should be invented to characterize the properties of these networks on a more detailed and precise level.