Project data
Department in charge
The INARMERA-ICT Project aims at reinforcing the cooperation capacity of the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems (IIAP) of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia by providing the possibilities to improve its research activities in the areas of thematic priorities of the 7th Framework Programme. Participation of IIAP in the ERA-WIDE Call was endorsed by the Armenian Government due to the important role it assigned to the institute in the transition of the country to innovative knowledge based economy, due to active participation in FP5, FP6 and FP7 projects, and the responsibility the institute bears in the development of ICT in Armenia and the region.
To reach this objective, the Project consortium consisting of IIAP and three EU partners (EUROTEX from Belgium, UPS-IRIT from France and MTA SZTAKI from Hungary) will carry out research assessment of IIAP, will organize training in FP7 and FP8 for IIAP scientists, and support them with research training in the latest methods in Information Technology, Cybernetics, etc. For networking and dissemination purposes workshops and summer schools will be organized in Armenia, while Armenian scientists will be able to attend events in Europe. In the course of executing INARMERA-ICT, four pilot projects will be organised with the participation of IIAP scientists and their colleagues in Europe, and also in Georgia, highlighting the regional aspect of the Project. The pilot projects will help Participants to identify bottlenecks of cooperation and find remedies; they will also lay grounds for larger FP project proposals.
A Strategy Experts Group will be set up to develop a strategy for IIAP aiming at confirming its reputation as the leading regional ICT centre and turning it into a committed partner for European institutions in Framework Programmes. Project results and achievements will be analyzed and recommendations will be drawn to the authorities on strengthening EU-Armenia R&I cooperation leading to the successful integration of Armenia into ERA.
Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the Na%onal Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (Project coordinator, AM)
Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (FR)
Hungarian Academy of Sciences Institute for Computer Science and Control (MTA SZTAKI)(HU)
European Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer (BE)