
22 Jul 2013– 31 Dec 2016

Videotorium is a video/audio sharing portal created for the players of research and education. Videotorium provides professional presentation of video content recorded at higher-education organisations, research institutions and public collections. Videotorium has been launched in June 2010 by the maintainer of the Hungarian research and education computer network infrastructure National Information Infrastructure Development (NIIF) Institute.

1 Jul 2013– 30 Jun 2016

DUSIREF (Dynamic Urban Scene Interpretation and REconstruction through remotely sensed data Fusion) is a joint project of the Distributed Events Analysis Research Laboratory (DEVA) of MTA SZTAKI and Infoterra-Astrium GeoInformation Services Hungary, funded by the European Space Agency (ESA) under the PECS-HU framework. The main objective of the project is high level urban scene recognition and change interpretation based on heterogeneous Remote Sensing (RS) data sources (mainly optical and TerraSAR satellite images and LIDAR data).

1 Jul 2013– 31 Dec 2015

The CloudSME project will develop a cloud-based, one-stop-shop solution providing a scalable platform for small or larger scale simulations, and enable the wider take-up of simulation technologies in manufacturing and engineering SME’s. The CloudSME Simulation Platform will support end user SME’s to utilise customized simulation applications in the form of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) based provision.

3 Jun 2013– 31 Jul 2015

MTA SZTAKI creates and introduces a mobile tourist information system for MIDMAR Miskolci Idegenforgalmi Marketing Nonprofit Kft. in a standalone Miskolc GUIDE@HAND audio guide application with independent sales.

1 Jun 2013– 31 May 2015

A projekt a világon elsőként hoz létre egy valós tértől és helytől független ökológiailag valid, sztenderd, online kísérleti és kollaborációs platformot, és hozzá legmodernebb internet technológiákon alapuló "augmented reality" infrastruktúrát, mely lehetővé teszi, hogy több intézet kompetenciája közös virtuális (augmented) kísérletekben összeolvadjon, és ezáltal egyedi kutatói arénát képezzen.

1 Feb 2013– 31 Jan 2016

The project aims to show that finding cooperative structures in dense sensor networks may substitute conventional robot based exploration. This hypothesis follows the fact that in practice, the number of surrounding networked sensors increases very quickly.
These networks might comprise any number of virtual cores of the whole sensor set targeted towards some temporal focus of interest without any external (human) control. With these developments come new challenges, e.g. finding the coherence among different modalities and arbitrary distributions.

1 Jan 2013– 31 Dec 2015

Within this project a new microbiological measuring device has been developed that combines the fluorescent detection of objects with the digital holographic microscopes provided extended depth of fields and medium spatial resolutions. This way we have built a device that is able to detect the position of the fluorescent objects, which can be auto-fluorescent ones (containing e.g. chlorophyll, phycocyanin) or marked by fluorescent dies, and based the simultaneously recorded hologram the medium resolution image of these objects are also reconstructed.

1 Jan 2013– 31 Dec 2015

The main goal of RECONFIGURE is to investigate and develop aircraft guidance and control (G&C) technologies that facilitate the automated handling of off-nominal/abnormal events and optimize the aircraft status and flight.

The automatism of the G&C will help alleviate the pilots task and optimize performance by automatically reconfiguring the aircraft to its optimal flight condition. This automatism and optimization must be performed while maintaining the current aircraft safety levels.

1 Nov 2012– 31 Oct 2014

Main objective is to involve and engage in long-term significantly more citizens and new communities in the volunteer and private (campus-wide or enterprise) Distributed Computing Infrastructures by supporting the rapid creation, efficient operation, and dynamic expansion of this type of DCIs for e-Science. Coordinate and synchronise the dissemination and support activities of major European stakeholders of volunteer and Desktop Grids with focus on the International Desktop Grid Federation.

15 Oct 2012– 31 May 2013

The aim of our work is to develop three-dimensional real space experience giving 3D websites. We have several options for the three-dimensional visualization that we have applied in our webpage.
First we used the well-known anaglyph (in our case red-cyan) technique. Our website is unique, because it can display spatial effects of text and images.
Another method that we apply is the side by side technique that requires special tools, but this method is the most effective for 3D immersion. The colour saturation is not reduced, the pictures are very realistic.