Main objective is to involve and engage in long-term significantly more citizens and new communities in the volunteer and private (campus-wide or enterprise) Distributed Computing Infrastructures by supporting the rapid creation, efficient operation...
The ER-flow project's aim is to build a European Research Community to promote workflow sharing and to investigate interoperability of the scientific data in workflow sharing. The project will disseminate the achievements of the FP7 SHIWA project...
A Tolmácskesztyű projekt célja egy olyan innovatív, intelligens segédeszköz megalkotása, melynek segítségével a beszéd- és halláskárosult emberek a mindennapi életben képesek kapcsolatot teremteni ép embertársaikkal úgy, hogy az mindkét fél számára...
Az E+grid adaptív intelligens energia-pozitív közvilágítási rendszer kifejlesztését a napenergia közvilágítási rendszerekben történő felhasználása, az intelligens energiahálózatok (smart grid) terjedése, az energiatakarékosságra való törekvés...
The main goal of ProActive is to research a holistic citizen-friendly multi sensor fusion and intelligent reasoning framework enabling the prediction, detection, understanding and efficient response to terrorist interests, goals and curses of actions...
The project has two main goals. The first is the research on clouds as distributed computing systems and the second is to develop and to deploy an institutional cloud infrastructure based on the results of first goal that allows the significant...
The integrated4D (i4D) project of MTA SZTAKI is a joint mission of the Distributed Events Analysis Research Laboratory (DEVA) and the Geometric Modelling and Computer Vision Laboratory (GMCV). The main objective of the project is to design and...
MTMT (acronym for Storage for the Hungarian Scientific Publications), maintained and operated by the Hungarian Academy of Science is the official database containing information of scientific publications published by Hungarian scientists. Consulting...
RLW Navigator aims to develop an innovative Process Navigator to configure, integrate, test and validate applications of Remote Laser Welding (RLW) in automotive assembly addressing today’s critical needs for frequently changing operating conditions...
The lean usage of resources and improvement of energy efficiency have been receiving increasing attention in recent years, and even the less environmentally conscious will have to change their consumption practices due to rising energy prices as well...
The SCI-BUS project aims to ease the life of e-Scientists by creating a new science gateway customisation methodology based on the generic-purpose gUSE/WS-PGRADE portal family. The customised science gateways will enable scientists to focus on their...
ADVANCE is a three year project (01.10.2010-30.09.2013) co-financed by the European Commission’s Seventh Research Framework Programme under the Intelligent Information Management objective. The main objective of the project is to provide...