Our department develops a 2-camera vision system within the MTA-SZTAKI ISAAC internal project, which system can detect and track a small UAV in real-time on the Sindy aircraft. The system can also identify dangerous approaches. Many algorithmic...
STREAMLINE will address the competitive advantage needs of European online media businesses (EOMB) by delivering fast reactive analytics suitable in solving a wide array of problems, including addressing customer retention, personalized...
Alternative machine learning models in financial customer knowledge
Department in charge
Our goal is to overcome the present state of the art (decision trees, logistic regression) in analyzing customer behavior and predicting risks for bank customers. We emphasize the deployment of open source analytics software. Our partner is OTP Bank.
The sense and avoid (S&A) capability is crucial for the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). It is due to the necessity of integrating civilian and governmental UAVs into the common airspace. In a S&A scenario, the ego-UAV is the observer, which...
A NextGeneration projekt célja a tudományos folyóirat, és ezzel összhangban, a tudományos publikáció fogalma új generációjának (többrétegű tudományos publikáció, új generációs tudományos folyóirat) megteremtése, a szükséges paradigmatikus váltás...
Society has reached a point of no return, one that leaves us completely reliant on omnipresent ICT-mediated communication. Mobile and sensor-rich portable devices connect millions of humans with petabytes of data and numerous on-line services...
A BonFIRE projekt egy több helyszínű felhő federációt fejleszt a FIRE számára, amely alkalmazások, szolgáltatások és rendszerek kutatását támogatja a K+F teljes életciklusában.
The INARMERA-ICT Project aims at reinforcing the cooperation capacity of the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems (IIAP) of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia by providing the possibilities to improve its...
Novel multimedia delivery-layer with enhanced optimisation techniques
Department in charge
Due to sharp increase in the number of video recording devices, the digital multimedia can be produced at many sources and can be injected at most different places into a fully distributed and multimodal environment. The large amount of multimedia...
The PC glasses contain the computer in a case with sunshield form which does not obstruct the view. There is a simplified user interface on its upper shield with four buttons for paging, searching and switching books, films and files stored in the...
The aim of the Innovative eLearning Tool for Quality Training Material in VET (IQTool) project is to develop an open source software tool integrated in LMS(s), which is suitable to assess the teaching quality management of eLearning training programs...
The main objective of the program is to establish the network of resource centers of education and experts - the New Media Knowledge Villages - for integrated digital TV and web developments that are based on the "TV anywhere-anytime" model. The...