Some premature infants spend weeks in incubators. During this time, their nervous system continues to develop. It is medically proven that prolonged periods of pain during this phase impact negatively the development of their white matter. However...
Freely available knowledge, also known as Open Knowledge or Open Data, is a very important factor and has a direct impact on the ongoing technological revolution and advancements and direct societal benefits. Open Knowledge creates a wider range of...
The project is delivered in the framework of the FAIR-IMPACT EU project (GA 101057344), supported by its 2nd Open Call Route 2 support. The aim of the project is to improve PID support into the Hungarian National Data Repository, known as ARP ( https...
B-prepared builds on a freely accessible massive collaborative knowledge base and data hub, demonstrating its usefulness via three demonstrator applications: a cooperative multiplayer VR serious game, simulating real disaster scenarios for the safest...
With technology rapidly enhancing and becoming more affordable, commercial and consumer drones have become increasingly popular since the beginning of the 21st century. They pose serious threats to safety (e.g. disturbances for airports and airplanes...
The project will further develop and optimise the road defect detection algorithm developed within ARNL. The algorithm uses a self-learning neural network, LiDAR and camera fusion to determine road surface deviations in front of vehicles that are...
The project is delivered in the framework of the FAIR-IMPACT EU project (GA 101057344), supported by its 1st Open Call Route 2 programme. The aim of the project is to integrate RO-Crate support into the Dataverse repository system as a component of...
The Multinational Capability Development Campaign (MCDC) Artificial Intelligence Supported by Sensor Fusion project was jointly organised by HUN-REN SZTAKI (Hungarian Research Network Computer and Automation Research Institute), the MH Military...
The Sun is an enigmatic star that produces the most powerful explosive events in our solar system - solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Studying these phenomena can provide a unique opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of fundamental...
Development of an AI-supported, camera-based product family for monitoring and predicting daily activities of premature infants
Department in charge
Currently used methods rely exclusively on objective diagnostic tools for monitoring the condition of infants. However, professionals increasingly recognize the importance of individual quality of life for patients, although suitable tools for...
The SLICES-RI program aims to provide research infrastructure for IT experiments and to develop and provide related services in areas such as 5G, 6G, NFV, Internet of Things, and cloud computing. Based on the two preceding projects within SLICES-RI...
The activities of the National Laboratory are focused on fundamental and applied research on the autonomous functionality and the control of road vehicles, aircraft and drones, robots and cyber-physical manufacturing systems. The main fundamental...