Dániel Balogh, B.Sc.
At the System and Control Lab, I worked on the FLEXOP project, and now I work on the FliPASED project. My main activities are related to the maintenance and development of our HIL (hardware-in-the-loop) air vehicle simulation system and of the autopilot of the demonstrator aircraft. I also work on the modelling and diagnostic of servos.
I recieved my BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. I worked in SZTAKI a lot during my university years. My bachelor thesis also was created there. It was a work on aircraft trajectory design with clothoid transition curves. My supervisors were Dr. Péter Bauer (SZTAKI), Dr. Bálint Kiss (BME).
At the Simonyi Karoly College for Advances Studies, I was a member of a group dealing with industrial automation.
Recently I study towards my MScdegree at the Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology, on the specialisations of Control Systems of Intelligent Robots and Vehicles.
BSc Electrical Engineer 2020, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
English, intermediate level.