Ákos Hajnal, Ph.D.
senior research fellow
+36 1 279 6076
+36 1 329 7864
1111 Budapest, Lágymányosi u. 11.
Room number
L 509
Akos Hajnal graduated from the Technical University of Budapest in 1996 in Electrical
Engineering and received his PhD in Information Science and Technology in 2013 at Eötvös Loránd University.
He has been working at the Institute for Computer Science since and Control of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA SZTAKI) as a research fellow since 1996, currently, at the Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems.
He has been participated in several EU and inland projects.
His research interests focus on machine learning (neural networks), artificial intelligence, software engineering, parallel computing, grids, clouds and software testing.